Postcode number 9289 in Drogeham

Searhcing for the postcodes near 9289? There are 58 postcodes that have the postcode number 9289 in Drogeham. 9289 is a postcode number in the place Drogeham within the municipalityAchtkarspelen in the province Friesland. There are 40 streets that have as postcode number 9289 in Drogeham.

There are 3 districts that use 9289 as postcode number, that are the districts:Wijk 01 Centrum,Wijk 02 Zuid and .

  • province Friesland
  • municipality Achtkarspelen
  • place Drogeham
  • number of districts 3 districts
  • number of neighbourhoods 4 neighbourhoods
  • number of streets 40 streets
  • number of postcodes 58 postcodes

Postcodes and streets for postcode number 9289

In the overview below you will find all postcodes and streets with the postcode number 9289.

9289HASkoallepaad 1 t/m 9Drogeham
9289HBTillewei 1 t/m 21Drogeham
9289HCTillewei 2 t/m 34Drogeham
9289HDDe Buorren 1 t/m 37Drogeham
9289HEDe Buorren 39 t/m 63Drogeham
9289HGDe Buorren 2 t/m 38Drogeham
9289HHDe Buorren 40 t/m 66Drogeham
9289HHde Droegehamster Feart 1 t/m 6Drogeham
9289HJDe Sânnen 1 t/m 39Drogeham
9289HKDe Sânnen 2 t/m 30Drogeham
9289HLTsjerke Buorren 1 t/m 23Drogeham
9289HMTsjerke Buorren 14 t/m 35Drogeham
9289HNTsjerkepaed 1 t/m 6Drogeham
9289HPIke Buorren 1 t/m 8Drogeham
9289HRSlotstépaed 1 t/m 3Drogeham
9289HSSlotstrjitte 1 t/m 34Drogeham
9289HTGealstrjitte 1 t/m 43Drogeham
9289HVGealstrjitte 2 t/m 40Drogeham
9289HWBoskloane 1 t/m 1Drogeham
9289HWDykswâl 3 t/m 23Drogeham
9289HXBoskloane 2 t/m 40Drogeham
9289HZBoskloane 42 t/m 70Drogeham
9289JADykswâl 25 t/m 57Drogeham
9289JBDs. van Velzenstrjitte 1 t/m 17Drogeham
9289JCDs. van Velzenstrjitte 18 t/m 48Drogeham
9289JDBosmastrjitte 1 t/m 27Drogeham
9289JEBosmastrjitte 2 t/m 46Drogeham
9289JGKloostermankamp 2 t/m 16Drogeham
9289JHBindert Japiksstrjitte 1 t/m 16Drogeham
9289JJBindert Japiksstrjitte 17 t/m 49Drogeham
9289JKKoaipaed 1 t/m 7Drogeham
9289JLDe Delte 1 t/m 33Drogeham
9289JMMaster Hoeksmawei 1 t/m 38Drogeham
9289JNPastorykamp 1 t/m 19Drogeham
9289JPJuffer Soeterwei 3 t/m 5Drogeham
9289JRHearsgrêft 1 t/m 17Drogeham
9289JSHearsgrêft 2 t/m 28Drogeham
9289JTDs. Biesmastrjitte 1 t/m 12Drogeham
9289JVSânkop 1 t/m 39Drogeham
9289JWWalbrechta 1 t/m 5Drogeham
9289KAit Kleasterbreed 1 t/m 6Drogeham
9289KBde Kromelle 1 t/m 5Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289KCHamsterpein 1 t/m 12Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289KPHamsherne 16 t/m 16Verspreide huizen Harkema
9289KVIkkers 2 t/m 8Drogeham
9289KWBoskwei 2 t/m 10Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289KXSkieppedrifte 2 t/m 15Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289KZIkkersreed 2 t/m 21Drogeham
9289LALytse Wei 1 t/m 33Drogeham
9289LBLytse Wei 14 t/m 43Drogeham
9289LCLytse Wei 34 t/m 63Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289LDHamsherne 1 t/m 14Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289LELândyk 2 t/m 4Drogeham
9289LGNoarderein 3 t/m 7Drogeham
9289XLJan Gerkeswei 2 t/m 14Drogeham
9289XLWesterein 3 t/m 5Verspreide huizen Drogeham
9289ZHPostbus 0 t/m 10000

Districts and neighbourhoods at 9289 in Drogeham

These are the neighbourhoods and districts that have the postcode number 9289.

Districts by postcode number 9289

Districts using the postcode number 9289 in Drogeham.

Neighbours to postcode number 9289

The neighbourhoods that use the postcode number 9289 in Drogeham.

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