postcode Legerplaats Harskamp

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Legerplaats Harskamp? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Legerplaats Harskamp. The neighbourhood Legerplaats Harskamp is one of the 4 neighbourhoods within the district Harskamp. There are 4 postcodes and 3 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceGelderland
  • municipalityEde
  • placeHarskamp
  • population density359 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants170 inhabitants
  • households55 households
  • districtHarskamp
  • postcodes4 postcodes
  • streets3 streets
  • land48 km2 land
  • water0 km2 water

Legerplaats Harskamp postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Legerplaats Harskamp.

postcodes Legerplaats Harskamp

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Legerplaats Harskamp. How many postcodes Legerplaats Harskamp has? Legerplaats Harskamp has 4 postcodes.

streets Legerplaats Harskamp

How many streets does Legerplaats Harskamp have? Legerplaats Harskamp has 3 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Legerplaats Harskamp.

More about the neighbourhood Legerplaats Harskamp

Legerplaats Harskamp is a neighborhood in the district Harskamp within the city Harskamp of the province Gelderland. The neighborhood Legerplaats Harskamp has 4 postcodes with 3 streets.

In total Legerplaats Harskamp counts 55 households with 170 inhabitants. The households comprise 19% of single households, 47% of households with children and 33% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Legerplaats Harskamp, 87 are married, that is 51% of the inhabitants of Legerplaats Harskamp.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Ede
place: Harskamp
district: Harskamp
postcode numbers: 6732,
area code: 0318

Stations and supermarkets Legerplaats Harskamp

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Legerplaats Harskamp and surroundings.

stations Legerplaats Harskamp

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Legerplaats Harskamp

station street postcode distance
Station Ede Centrum Museumplein 5 6711NA 13.49 km
Station Wolfheze Johannahoeveweg 2 6874CD 13.7 km
Station Ede-Wageningen Stationsplein 6 6711PN 14.39 km
Station Ede-Wageningen Stationsweg 6 6711PN 14.39 km
Station Lunteren Stationsstraat 1 6741DH 15.78 km

supermarkets Legerplaats Harskamp

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Legerplaats Harskamp.

supermarket street postcode distance
Plus Dorpsstraat 28 6732AE 0.68 km
Spar Dorpsstraat 4 6731AT 2.99 km
EMTE Edeseweg 118 6733AH 4.79 km
Spar Wolweg 24 3776LP 10.06 km
EMTE Wesselseweg 166 3774RM 11.42 km
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