postcode Zuidhollandschepolder

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Zuidhollandschepolder? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Zuidhollandschepolder. The neighbourhood Zuidhollandschepolder is one of the 7 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 04 Hank. There are 10 postcodes and 8 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceNoord-Brabant
  • municipalityWerkendam
  • placeHank
  • population density49 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants235 inhabitants
  • households90 households
  • districtWijk 04 Hank
  • postcodes10 postcodes
  • streets8 streets
  • land481 km2 land
  • water5 km2 water

Zuidhollandschepolder postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Zuidhollandschepolder.

postcodes Zuidhollandschepolder

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Zuidhollandschepolder. How many postcodes Zuidhollandschepolder has? Zuidhollandschepolder has 10 postcodes.

streets Zuidhollandschepolder

How many streets does Zuidhollandschepolder have? Zuidhollandschepolder has 8 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Zuidhollandschepolder.

More about the neighbourhood Zuidhollandschepolder

Zuidhollandschepolder is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 04 Hank within the city Hank of the province Noord-Brabant. The neighborhood Zuidhollandschepolder has 10 postcodes with 8 streets.

In total Zuidhollandschepolder counts 90 households with 235 inhabitants. The households comprise 28% of single households, 41% of households with children and 31% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Zuidhollandschepolder, 120 are married, that is 51% of the inhabitants of Zuidhollandschepolder.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Werkendam
place: Hank
district: Wijk 04 Hank
postcode numbers: 4273,
area code: 0162

Stations and supermarkets Zuidhollandschepolder

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Zuidhollandschepolder and surroundings.

stations Zuidhollandschepolder

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Zuidhollandschepolder

station street postcode distance
Station Gorinchem Stationsweg 3 4205AA 12.81 km
Station Hardinxveld-Giessendam Stationsstraat 2 3371AX 13.84 km
Station Gilze-Rijen Stationsplein 1 5121EA 16.68 km
Station Arkel Stationsweg 25 4241XH 17.72 km
Station Sliedrecht Stationsplein 10 3364AM 18.63 km

supermarkets Zuidhollandschepolder

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Zuidhollandschepolder.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Kerkstraat 43 4273CA 1.58 km
Coop Rijksweg 118 4255GN 4.19 km
Plus Burgemeester Krijgsmangeerde 7 4942AV 5.16 km
Plus Postbus 7 4942AV 5.16 km
Spar van der Dussenlaan 2 4271AP 5.43 km
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