postcode Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt. The neighbourhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt is one of the 26 neighbourhoods within the district Ommen. There are 35 postcodes and 25 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceOverijssel
  • municipalityOmmen
  • placeOmmen
  • population density3 094 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants1 060 inhabitants
  • households535 households
  • districtOmmen
  • postcodes35 postcodes
  • streets25 streets
  • land34 km2 land
  • water0 km2 water

Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt.

postcodes Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt. How many postcodes Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt has? Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt has 35 postcodes.

streets Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

How many streets does Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt have? Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt has 25 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt.

More about the neighbourhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt is a neighborhood in the district Ommen within the city Ommen of the province Overijssel. The neighborhood Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt has 35 postcodes with 25 streets.

In total Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt counts 535 households with 1 060 inhabitants. The households comprise 46% of single households, 22% of households with children and 33% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt, 445 are married, that is 42% of the inhabitants of Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt.

province: Overijssel
municipality: Ommen
place: Ommen
district: Ommen
postcode numbers: 7731,
area code: 0529

Stations and supermarkets Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt and surroundings.

stations Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

station street postcode distance
Station Ommen Stationsweg 35 7731AX 1.91 km
Station Geerdijk Geerdijk 46 7681SE 13.83 km
Station Marienberg Stationsweg 2 7692AC 16.04 km
Station Vroomshoop Stationslaan 7 7681DL 17.26 km
Station Nijverdal Stationsstraat 3 7443BX 17.93 km

supermarkets Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Kern Ommen - Zeeheldenbuurt - Lodderholt.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Haven Noord 1 7731GZ 0.7 km
Aldi Slagenweg 1 7731TJ 1.08 km
Jumbo Markt 22 7731DB 1.09 km
Albert Heijn Markt 69 7701GW 9.37 km
Jumbo Grotestraat 2 7683BB 9.53 km
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