postcode Nieuw-Amsterdam

What are the postcodes of Nieuw-Amsterdam? On this page you will find postcode information about Nieuw-Amsterdam and extensive geographical and demographic data. Nieuw-Amsterdam has 27 districts and 83 neighbourhoods. You can also view the postcode data of Nieuw-Amsterdam by neighbourhood and district.

  • provinceDrenthe
  • municipalityEmmen
  • placeNieuw-Amsterdam
  • population density321 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants107 584 inhabitants
  • households47 855 households
  • neighbourhoods 83 neighbourhoods
  • postcodes167 postcodes
  • streets72 streets
  • districts 27 districts
  • land33 517 km2 land
  • water1 109 km2 water

Nieuw-Amsterdam postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of Nieuw-Amsterdam.

postcodes Nieuw-Amsterdam

A few postcodes of the place Nieuw-Amsterdam. How many postcodes Nieuw-Amsterdam has? Nieuw-Amsterdam has 167 postcodes. Via the 4-digit postcode number you will find every postcode of Nieuw-Amsterdam.

streets Nieuw-Amsterdam

How many streets does Nieuw-Amsterdam have? Nieuw-Amsterdam has 72 streets. See the list of all streets of Nieuw-Amsterdam on the page overview streets Nieuw-Amsterdam and find the corresponding postcodes. below are some streets of the city Nieuw-Amsterdam.

All streets of Nieuw-Amsterdam

postcode numbers Nieuw-Amsterdam

These are all postcode numbers of Nieuw-Amsterdam, find the underlying postcodes per postcode number. In total Nieuw-Amsterdam has 1 postcode numbers.

more about Nieuw-Amsterdam

Nieuw-Amsterdam is a place in the municipality Emmen in the province Drenthe. Nieuw-Amsterdam has 167 postcodes with 72 streets and Nieuw-Amsterdam is divided into 27 districts and 83 neighbourhoods. Nieuw-Amsterdam has a total surface area of 34 626 km2 of which 1 109 km2 consists of water and 33 517 km2 of land.

In Nieuw-Amsterdam there are in 47 855 households with 107 584 inhabitants. The households are for 33% single households, 34.0% are households with children and 33% are households without children. Of the inhabitants in Nieuw-Amsterdam, 46 261 are married, which is 43% of the population.

area code:0591
postcodes:167 postcodes
streets:72 streets
neighbourhoods:83 neighbourhoods
districts:27 districts
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