Postcode Vivaldistraat in Venray

In search for the postcode of Vivaldistraat? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Vivaldistraat in Venray. Vivaldistraat is a street in the place Venray within the municipality Venray in the province Limburg. Vivaldistraat has the postcode number 5802 and is located in the neighbourhood Brukske within the district Wijk 10 Venray.

Overview Postcodes Vivaldistraat

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Vivaldistraat in Venray.

postcode street house numbers
5802JH Vivaldistraat 1 t/m 10
5802JJ Vivaldistraat 11 t/m 26
5802JK Vivaldistraat 27 t/m 36
5802JL Vivaldistraat 37 t/m 56

More about Vivaldistraat

Vivaldistraat is a street in the place Venray within the municipality Venray of the province Limburg. Vivaldistraat is 1 of the 447 streets in Venray. Vivaldistraat knows 4 postcodes of the total 727 postcodes that Venray has.

Vivaldistraat is located in the neighbourhood Brukske within the district Wijk 10 Venray. This neighbourhood has a total of 119 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 010 households with 4 955 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Vivaldistraat is 0478.

province: Limburg
municipality: Venray
place: Venray
district: Wijk 10 Venray
neighbourhood: Brukske
postcode number: 5802
area code: 0478

Stations and supermarkets Vivaldistraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Vivaldistraat

stations Vivaldistraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Vivaldistraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Venray Stationsweg 100 5807AC 1.95 km
Station Vierlingsbeek Soetendaal 9 5821BL 8.33 km
Station Horst-Sevenum Stationsstraat 151 5963AA 11.58 km
Station Boxmeer Stationsweg 3 5831CR 15.13 km
Station Deurne Stationsplein 31 5751JN 23.73 km

supermarkets Vivaldistraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Vivaldistraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi Kiosk 24 5802NP 0.31 km
Jumbo Kiosk 8 5802NP 0.33 km
Plus Kruidenlaan 159 5803BV 1.54 km
Jan Linders Raadhuisstraat 100 5801MA 1.98 km
Albert Heijn Henseniusplein 7 5801BB 2.06 km
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