What are the postcodes of the municipalities? On this page you will find postcode information about the municipalities of the Netherlands. In total there are 380 municipalities and 2 501 places in the Netherlands. Looking for a specific postcode within a municipality? You can view all postcodes on multiple levels, from province, municipality and city, to district, neighbourhood and street. Below you can see all the municipalities and the places within the municipality.
In the overview below you will find all the municipalities of the Netherlands along with the places which resides in the municipality. Find any place and its postcodes and streets in each municipality.
The municipalities of the Netherlands are the third tier of government between provinces and localities. The organisation and administration of the municipalities is sunk in the Municipal Act. Besides the 380 municipalities in the Netherlands, there are also 3 municipalities in the Caribbean Netherlands which are designated as special municipalities.
Each municipality belongs to a specific region, police district and province. However, these cannot be related 1 to 1. For example, the police districts cross the borders of provinces. The municipalities are primarily intended as a more depth for the provinces, water boards and the police districts.