Postcode Prins Bernhardlaan in Diemen

In search for the postcode of Prins Bernhardlaan? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Prins Bernhardlaan in Diemen. Prins Bernhardlaan is a street in the place Diemen within the municipality Diemen in the province Noord-Holland. Prins Bernhardlaan has the postcode number 1111 and is located in the neighbourhood Centrum-Oost within the district Wijk 01 Diemen-Centrum.

Overview Postcodes Prins Bernhardlaan

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Prins Bernhardlaan in Diemen.

postcode street house numbers
1111EP Prins Bernhardlaan 9 t/m 43
1111ER Prins Bernhardlaan 45 t/m 85
1111ES Prins Bernhardlaan 87 t/m 111
1111ET Prins Bernhardlaan 2 t/m 4

More about Prins Bernhardlaan

Prins Bernhardlaan is a street in the place Diemen within the municipality Diemen of the province Noord-Holland. Prins Bernhardlaan is 1 of the 222 streets in Diemen. Prins Bernhardlaan knows 4 postcodes of the total 682 postcodes that Diemen has.

Prins Bernhardlaan is located in the neighbourhood Centrum-Oost within the district Wijk 01 Diemen-Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 33 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 760 households with 1 475 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Prins Bernhardlaan is 020.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Diemen
place: Diemen
district: Wijk 01 Diemen-Centrum
neighbourhood: Centrum-Oost
postcode number: 1111
area code: 020

Stations and supermarkets Prins Bernhardlaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Prins Bernhardlaan

stations Prins Bernhardlaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Prins Bernhardlaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Diemen Dr. A.J.J. van Gemertplein 1 1111LZ 0.77 km
Station Diemen Zuid Diemerdreef 1 1112CK 1.68 km
Station Amsterdam Bijlmer Hoekenrode 9 1102BR 3.59 km
Station Duivendrecht Stationsplein 1 1115BZ 3.85 km
Station Amsterdam Muiderpoort Oosterspoorplein 1 1093JW 4.78 km

supermarkets Prins Bernhardlaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Prins Bernhardlaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn XL Diemerplein 200 1111JD 0.71 km
Jumbo Kruidenhof 26 1112PS 1.31 km
Jumbo Gruttoplein 9 1113HL 1.69 km
Albert Heijn Dalsteindreef 1009 1112XC 1.73 km
Albert Heijn Harriet Freezerstraat 96 1103JP 1.77 km
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