Postcode Kanaalweg in Bovensmilde

In search for the postcode of Kanaalweg? There are 8 postcodes linked to the street Kanaalweg in Bovensmilde. Kanaalweg is a street in the place Bovensmilde within the municipality Midden-Drenthe in the province Drenthe. Kanaalweg has the postcode number 9421 and is located in the neighbourhood Bovensmilde-Zuid within the district Wijk 07 Bovensmilde.

Overview Postcodes Kanaalweg

There are 8 postcodes belonging to the street Kanaalweg in Bovensmilde.

postcode street house numbers
9421ST Kanaalweg 108 t/m 123
9421SV Kanaalweg 122 t/m 139
9421SW Kanaalweg 138 t/m 149
9421SX Kanaalweg 150 t/m 159
9421SZ Kanaalweg 160 t/m 167
9421TA Kanaalweg 168 t/m 186
9421TB Kanaalweg 188 t/m 199
9421TC Kanaalweg 200 t/m 208

More about Kanaalweg

Kanaalweg is a street in the place Bovensmilde within the municipality Midden-Drenthe of the province Drenthe. Kanaalweg is 1 of the 42 streets in Bovensmilde. Kanaalweg knows 8 postcodes of the total 89 postcodes that Bovensmilde has.

Kanaalweg is located in the neighbourhood Bovensmilde-Zuid within the district Wijk 07 Bovensmilde. This neighbourhood has a total of 5 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 70 households with 185 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Kanaalweg is 0592.

province: Drenthe
municipality: Midden-Drenthe
place: Bovensmilde
district: Wijk 07 Bovensmilde
neighbourhood: Bovensmilde-Zuid
postcode number: 9421
area code: 0592

Stations and supermarkets Kanaalweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Kanaalweg

stations Kanaalweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Kanaalweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Assen Stationsplein 2 9401LB 11.61 km
Station Beilen Stationslaan 9 9411PS 14.17 km
Station Hoogeveen Stationsplein 1 7901AA 26.4 km
Station Haren Stationsplein 1 9751SX 28.17 km
Station Groningen Stationsplein 4 9726AE 28.73 km

supermarkets Kanaalweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Kanaalweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Poiesz Schoolstraat 10 9421SM 1.6 km
Jumbo Veenhoopsweg 21 9422AB 3.52 km
Aldi Veenhoopsweg 34 9422AC 3.79 km
Albert Heijn Rondgang 20 9408MH 6 km
Coop Rondgang 16 9408MH 6.17 km
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