Postcode Gele Rijders Plein in Arnhem

In search for the postcode of Gele Rijders Plein? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Gele Rijders Plein in Arnhem. Gele Rijders Plein is a street in the place Arnhem within the municipality Arnhem in the province Gelderland. Gele Rijders Plein has the postcode number 6811 and is located in the neighbourhood Rijnstraat within the district Centrum.

Overview Postcodes Gele Rijders Plein

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Gele Rijders Plein in Arnhem.

postcode street house numbers
6811AN Gele Rijders Plein 1 t/m 15
6811AP Gele Rijders Plein 16 t/m 34
6811AR Gele Rijders Plein 35 t/m 41

More about Gele Rijders Plein

Gele Rijders Plein is a street in the place Arnhem within the municipality Arnhem of the province Gelderland. Gele Rijders Plein is 1 of the 1 808 streets in Arnhem. Gele Rijders Plein knows 3 postcodes of the total 4 376 postcodes that Arnhem has.

Gele Rijders Plein is located in the neighbourhood Rijnstraat within the district Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 33 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 770 households with 1 020 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Gele Rijders Plein is 026.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Arnhem
place: Arnhem
district: Centrum
neighbourhood: Rijnstraat
postcode number: 6811
area code: 026

Stations and supermarkets Gele Rijders Plein

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Gele Rijders Plein

stations Gele Rijders Plein

Below you see the stations which are near the street Gele Rijders Plein with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Arnhem Velperpoort Ir J.P. van Muijlwijkstraat 1 6828BN 0.96 km
Station Arnhem Amsterdamseweg 210 6813GK 3.75 km
Station Arnhem Presikhaaf Eleonorastraat 1 6824EX 3.86 km
Station Arnhem Zuid Metamorfosenallee 75 6843TZ 7.01 km
Station Oosterbeek Stationsweg 2 6861EG 7.86 km

supermarkets Gele Rijders Plein

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Gele Rijders Plein.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn to go Roggestraat 16 6811BB 0.35 km
Plus Roggestraat 26 6811BB 0.37 km
Spar Kleine Oord 86 6811HZ 0.41 km
Albert Heijn to go Oude Stationsstraat 50 6811KE 0.49 km
Albert Heijn Velperbuitensingel 4 6828CT 0.75 km
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