Postcode Groningensingel in Arnhem

In search for the postcode of Groningensingel? There are 34 postcodes linked to the street Groningensingel in Arnhem. Groningensingel is a street in the place Arnhem within the municipality Arnhem in the province Gelderland. Groningensingel has the postcode number 6835 and is located in the neighbourhood Vredenburg within the district Vredenburg/Kronenburg.

Overview Postcodes Groningensingel

There are 34 postcodes belonging to the street Groningensingel in Arnhem.

postcode street house numbers
6835EA Groningensingel 1 t/m 21
6835EB Groningensingel 51 t/m 51
6835ED Groningensingel 81 t/m 85
6835EE Groningensingel 101 t/m 129
6835EG Groningensingel 131 t/m 159
6835EH Groningensingel 161 t/m 189
6835EJ Groningensingel 191 t/m 231
6835EK Groningensingel 233 t/m 267
6835EL Groningensingel 269 t/m 303
6835EM Groningensingel 305 t/m 333
6835EN Groningensingel 335 t/m 369
6835EP Groningensingel 371 t/m 405
6835ER Groningensingel 407 t/m 435
6835ES Groningensingel 437 t/m 477
6835ET Groningensingel 479 t/m 519
6835EV Groningensingel 521 t/m 549
6835EW Groningensingel 551 t/m 579
6835EX Groningensingel 581 t/m 615
6835EZ Groningensingel 617 t/m 651
6835GA Groningensingel 653 t/m 681
6835GB Groningensingel 683 t/m 717
6835GC Groningensingel 719 t/m 753
6835GD Groningensingel 755 t/m 789
6835GE Groningensingel 791 t/m 825
6835GG Groningensingel 827 t/m 855
6835GH Groningensingel 857 t/m 885
6835GJ Groningensingel 887 t/m 915
6835GK Groningensingel 917 t/m 939
6835GL Groningensingel 94 t/m 965
6835GM Groningensingel 967 t/m 997
6835GN Groningensingel 999 t/m 1049
6835HW Groningensingel 1051 t/m 1109
6835HX Groningensingel 1111 t/m 1165
6835HZ Groningensingel 1000 t/m 1249

More about Groningensingel

Groningensingel is a street in the place Arnhem within the municipality Arnhem of the province Gelderland. Groningensingel is 1 of the 1 808 streets in Arnhem. Groningensingel knows 34 postcodes of the total 4 376 postcodes that Arnhem has.

Groningensingel is located in the neighbourhood Vredenburg within the district Vredenburg/Kronenburg. This neighbourhood has a total of 122 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 100 households with 4 370 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Groningensingel is 026.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Arnhem
place: Arnhem
district: Vredenburg/Kronenburg
neighbourhood: Vredenburg
postcode number: 6835
area code: 026

Stations and supermarkets Groningensingel

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Groningensingel

stations Groningensingel

Below you see the stations which are near the street Groningensingel with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Arnhem Velperpoort Ir J.P. van Muijlwijkstraat 1 6828BN 3.36 km
Station Arnhem Amsterdamseweg 210 6813GK 5 km
Station Arnhem Presikhaaf Eleonorastraat 1 6824EX 5.55 km
Station Arnhem Zuid Metamorfosenallee 75 6843TZ 5.65 km
Station Oosterbeek Stationsweg 2 6861EG 7.98 km

supermarkets Groningensingel

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Groningensingel.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Groningensingel 959 6835GL 0.66 km
Albert Heijn XL Kronenburgpassage 86 6831ER 0.7 km
Aldi Kronenburgpassage 124 6831ES 0.92 km
Albert Heijn Drieslag 4 6832AM 1.17 km
Coop St. Gangulphusplein 24 6832AT 1.19 km
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