Postcode Erf in Beuningen Gld

In search for the postcode of Erf? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Erf in Beuningen Gld. Erf is a street in the place Beuningen Gld within the municipality Beuningen in the province Gelderland. Erf has the postcode number 6641 and is located in the neighbourhood Beuningen-Hoeve-2 within the district Beuningen.

Overview Postcodes Erf

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Erf in Beuningen Gld.

postcode street house numbers
6641VR Erf 1 t/m 17
6641VS Erf 2 t/m 14

More about Erf

Erf is a street in the place Beuningen Gld within the municipality Beuningen of the province Gelderland. Erf is 1 of the 229 streets in Beuningen Gld. Erf knows 2 postcodes of the total 423 postcodes that Beuningen Gld has.

Erf is located in the neighbourhood Beuningen-Hoeve-2 within the district Beuningen. This neighbourhood has a total of 18 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 250 households with 625 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Erf is 024.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Beuningen
place: Beuningen Gld
district: Beuningen
neighbourhood: Beuningen-Hoeve-2
postcode number: 6641
area code: 024

Stations and supermarkets Erf

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Erf

stations Erf

Below you see the stations which are near the street Erf with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Nijmegen Dukenburg Zwanenveld 8401 6538TL 4.23 km
Station Wijchen Stationsplein 2 6602BN 6.56 km
Station Zetten-Andelst Wageningsestraat 37 6671DA 8.97 km
Station Nijmegen Stationsplein 6A 6512AB 9.24 km
Station Nijmegen Lent Griftdijk Noord 42 6663AC 9.68 km

supermarkets Erf

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Erf.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Thorbeckeplein 14 6641CA 0.67 km
Aldi Julianaplein 136 6641CT 0.83 km
Albert Heijn Kerkplein 72 6641BH 0.96 km
Lidl Kerkplein 82 6641BH 0.97 km
Jumbo Leuvensbroek 1028 6546XB 2.63 km
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