Postcode 7141TM in Groenlo

Searching for the streetname with postcode 7141TM? There is one street which uses the postcode 7141TM in Groenlo. 7141TM is a postcode in the place Groenlo within the municipality Oost Gelre in the province Gelderland. 7141TM has the postcode number 7141 and is located in the neighbourhood Het Blik within the district Wijk 06 Groenlo.

The postcode 7141TM belongs to the street Het Blik and has the following housenumber range: 150 - 166.

Overview Streets postcode 7141TM

There is one street belonging to the postcode 7141TM in Groenlo.

street postcode house numbers
Het Blik 7141TM 150 to 166

More about the postcode 7141TM

7141TM is a postcode in the city Groenlo within the municipality Oost Gelre of the province Gelderland. 7141TM is 1 of the 322 postcodes in Groenlo. 7141TM is assigned to 1 street of the total 225 streets that is using Groenlo. The postcode 7141TM is linked to the street Het Blik and has the house number range 150 - 166.

7141TM is locaed in the neighbourhood Het Blik within the district Wijk 06 Groenlo. This neighbourhood has a total of 10 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 175 households with 375 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 7141TM is 0544.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Oost Gelre
place: Groenlo
district: Wijk 06 Groenlo
neighbourhood: Het Blik
postcode number: 7141
area code: 0544

Stations and supermarkets 7141TM

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 7141TM.

stations 7141TM

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 7141TM.

station street postcode distance
Station Lichtenvoorde-Gr. Lievelderweg 10 7137MX 4.27 km
Station Aalten Stationsweg 4 7121LH 12.94 km
Station Winterwijk West Zuilenesstraat 7 7101BC 13.27 km
Station Winterswijk Stationsstraat 32 7101GH 14.76 km
Station Ruurlo Stationsstraat 10C 7261AD 17.99 km

supermarkets 7141TM

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 7141TM.

station street postcode distance
EMTE Den Koem 2 7141VW 0.52 km
Lidl Ruurloseweg 24 7141KC 0.65 km
Albert Heijn Beltrumsestraat 40 7141AM 0.72 km
Aldi Parallelweg 12 7141DC 1.89 km
Coop Kampstraat 23 7156LW 5.69 km
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