Postcode Lankforst in Nijmegen

In search for the postcode of Lankforst? There are 76 postcodes linked to the street Lankforst in Nijmegen. Lankforst is a street in the place Nijmegen within the municipality Nijmegen in the province Gelderland. Lankforst has the postcode number 6538 and is located in the neighbourhood Lankforst within the district Wijk 07 Dukenburg.

Overview Postcodes Lankforst

There are 76 postcodes belonging to the street Lankforst in Nijmegen.

postcode street house numbers
6538GA Lankforst 1101 t/m 1139
6538GB Lankforst 1102 t/m 1170
6538GC Lankforst 1002 t/m 1016
6538GD Lankforst 2001 t/m 2007
6538GE Lankforst 2101 t/m 2129
6538GG Lankforst 2102 t/m 2128
6538GH Lankforst 2130 t/m 2186
6538GJ Lankforst 2201 t/m 2207
6538GK Lankforst 2327 t/m 2329
6538GL Lankforst 2331 t/m 2359
6538GM Lankforst 2361 t/m 2369
6538GN Lankforst 2302 t/m 2348
6538GP Lankforst 2350 t/m 2398
6538GR Lankforst 2401 t/m 2417
6538GS Lankforst 2431 t/m 2471
6538GT Lankforst 2402 t/m 2444
6538GV Lankforst 2446 t/m 2456
6538GW Lankforst 2501 t/m 2556
6538GX Lankforst 2610 t/m 2610
6538HA Lankforst 2701 t/m 2751
6538HB Lankforst 2702 t/m 2728
6538HC Lankforst 2901 t/m 2951
6538HD Lankforst 2902 t/m 2970
6538HG Lankforst 2802 t/m 2812
6538HH Lankforst 1321 t/m 1331
6538HJ Lankforst 1302 t/m 1318
6538HK Lankforst 1320 t/m 1332
6538HL Lankforst 1201 t/m 1215
6538HM Lankforst 1202 t/m 1224
6538HN Lankforst 4001 t/m 4027
6538HP Lankforst 4002 t/m 4046
6538HR Lankforst 4048 t/m 4062
6538HS Lankforst 4101 t/m 4149
6538HT Lankforst 4102 t/m 4196
6538HV Lankforst 4201 t/m 4231
6538HW Lankforst 4202 t/m 4232
6538JA Lankforst 1401 t/m 1435
6538JB Lankforst 1402 t/m 1472
6538JC Lankforst 1474 t/m 1488
6538JD Lankforst 1490 t/m 1496
6538JE Lankforst 3001 t/m 3035
6538JG Lankforst 3002 t/m 3012
6538JH Lankforst 3101 t/m 3169
6538JJ Lankforst 3102 t/m 3138
6538JK Lankforst 3201 t/m 3216
6538JL Lankforst 3301 t/m 3311
6538JM Lankforst 3401 t/m 3449
6538JN Lankforst 3502 t/m 3550
6538JP Lankforst 3602 t/m 3660
6538JR Lankforst 3701 t/m 3745
6538JS Lankforst 3801 t/m 3849
6538JT Lankforst 3802 t/m 3802
6538JV Lankforst 3901 t/m 3959
6538JW Lankforst 4302 t/m 4372
6538JX Lankforst 4402 t/m 4472
6538JZ Lankforst 4502 t/m 4572
6538KA Lankforst 4602 t/m 4672
6538KH Lankforst 5202 t/m 5240
6538KJ Lankforst 5301 t/m 5315
6538KK Lankforst 5316 t/m 5327
6538KL Lankforst 5328 t/m 5345
6538KM Lankforst 5346 t/m 5363
6538KN Lankforst 5401 t/m 5416
6538KP Lankforst 5417 t/m 5437
6538KR Lankforst 5438 t/m 5452
6538KS Lankforst 5453 t/m 5466
6538KT Lankforst 5467 t/m 5481
6538KV Lankforst 5482 t/m 5495
6538KW Lankforst 5500 t/m 5525
6538KX Lankforst 5526 t/m 5548
6538KZ Lankforst 5549 t/m 5560
6538LA Lankforst 5601 t/m 5618
6538LB Lankforst 5619 t/m 5636
6538LC Lankforst 5637 t/m 5651
6538LD Lankforst 5652 t/m 5663
6538LG Lankforst 5101 t/m 5101

Postcodes and streets at Lankforst in Nijmegen

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Lankforst.

More about Lankforst

Lankforst is a street in the place Nijmegen within the municipality Nijmegen of the province Gelderland. Lankforst is 1 of the 1 326 streets in Nijmegen. Lankforst knows 76 postcodes of the total 5 129 postcodes that Nijmegen has.

Lankforst is located in the neighbourhood Lankforst within the district Wijk 07 Dukenburg. This neighbourhood has a total of 82 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 055 households with 2 105 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Lankforst is 024.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Nijmegen
place: Nijmegen
district: Wijk 07 Dukenburg
neighbourhood: Lankforst
postcode number: 6538
area code: 024

Stations and supermarkets Lankforst

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Lankforst

stations Lankforst

Below you see the stations which are near the street Lankforst with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Nijmegen Dukenburg Zwanenveld 8401 6538TL 2.1 km
Station Nijmegen Stationsplein 6A 6512AB 6.18 km
Station Nijmegen Heyendaal Professor Bellefroidstraat 5 6525AG 6.94 km
Station Nijmegen Lent Griftdijk Noord 42 6663AC 8.39 km
Station Wijchen Stationsplein 2 6602BN 8.67 km

supermarkets Lankforst

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Lankforst.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Malvert 7023 6538DP 0.24 km
Albert Heijn Meijhorst 7001 6537EN 0.81 km
Spar Weezenhof 55 6536EE 1.01 km
Lidl Weezenhof 553032 6536EE 1.01 km
EMTE Hatertseweg 835 6535ZT 1.83 km
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