Postcode Vossendijk in Nijmegen

In search for the postcode of Vossendijk? There are 20 postcodes linked to the street Vossendijk in Nijmegen. Vossendijk is a street in the place Nijmegen within the municipality Nijmegen in the province Gelderland. Vossendijk has the postcode number 6534 and is located in the neighbourhood Hatert within the district Wijk 06 Nijmegen-Zuid.

Overview Postcodes Vossendijk

There are 20 postcodes belonging to the street Vossendijk in Nijmegen.

postcode street house numbers
6534TA Vossendijk 100 t/m 148
6534TB Vossendijk 25 t/m 49
6534TC Vossendijk 51 t/m 59
6534TD Vossendijk 61 t/m 69
6534TE Vossendijk 71 t/m 81
6534TG Vossendijk 83 t/m 91
6534TH Vossendijk 93 t/m 99
6534TJ Vossendijk 101 t/m 113
6534TK Vossendijk 115 t/m 125
6534TL Vossendijk 127 t/m 135
6534TM Vossendijk 137 t/m 145
6534TN Vossendijk 147 t/m 159
6534TP Vossendijk 161 t/m 173
6534TR Vossendijk 175 t/m 183
6534TS Vossendijk 185 t/m 189
6534TT Vossendijk 191 t/m 207
6534TV Vossendijk 209 t/m 217
6534TW Vossendijk 219 t/m 233
6534TX Vossendijk 235 t/m 241
6534TZ Vossendijk 243 t/m 251

Postcodes and streets at Vossendijk in Nijmegen

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Vossendijk.

More about Vossendijk

Vossendijk is a street in the place Nijmegen within the municipality Nijmegen of the province Gelderland. Vossendijk is 1 of the 1 326 streets in Nijmegen. Vossendijk knows 20 postcodes of the total 5 129 postcodes that Nijmegen has.

Vossendijk is located in the neighbourhood Hatert within the district Wijk 06 Nijmegen-Zuid. This neighbourhood has a total of 317 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 5 745 households with 10 210 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Vossendijk is 024.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Nijmegen
place: Nijmegen
district: Wijk 06 Nijmegen-Zuid
neighbourhood: Hatert
postcode number: 6534
area code: 024

Stations and supermarkets Vossendijk

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Vossendijk

stations Vossendijk

Below you see the stations which are near the street Vossendijk with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Nijmegen Dukenburg Zwanenveld 8401 6538TL 2.92 km
Station Nijmegen Stationsplein 6A 6512AB 5.44 km
Station Nijmegen Heyendaal Professor Bellefroidstraat 5 6525AG 6.03 km
Station Nijmegen Lent Griftdijk Noord 42 6663AC 7.84 km
Station Wijchen Stationsplein 2 6602BN 9.65 km

supermarkets Vossendijk

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Vossendijk.

supermarket street postcode distance
EMTE Hatertseweg 835 6535ZT 0.87 km
Lidl Hatertseweg 827 6535ZT 0.97 km
Jumbo Malvert 7023 6538DP 0.97 km
Spar Weezenhof 55 6536EE 1.43 km
Lidl Weezenhof 553032 6536EE 1.43 km
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