Postcode Spijkse Kweldijk in Spijk (Lingewaal)

In search for the postcode of Spijkse Kweldijk? There are 8 postcodes linked to the street Spijkse Kweldijk in Spijk (Lingewaal). Spijkse Kweldijk is a street in the place Spijk (Lingewaal) within the municipality Lingewaal in the province Gelderland. Spijkse Kweldijk has the postcode number 4211 and is located in the neighbourhood Spijk en Boveneind Spijk en Vogelswerf within the district Wijk 01 Heukelum.

Overview Postcodes Spijkse Kweldijk

There are 8 postcodes belonging to the street Spijkse Kweldijk in Spijk (Lingewaal).

postcode street house numbers
4211CS Spijkse Kweldijk 192 t/m 210
4211CT Spijkse Kweldijk 162 t/m 190
4211CV Spijkse Kweldijk 134 t/m 160
4211CW Spijkse Kweldijk 110 t/m 132
4211CX Spijkse Kweldijk 78 t/m 108
4211CZ Spijkse Kweldijk 34 t/m 74
4212CX Spijkse Kweldijk 49 t/m 85
4212CZ Spijkse Kweldijk 31 t/m 45

Postcodes and streets at Spijkse Kweldijk in Spijk (Lingewaal)

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Spijkse Kweldijk.

More about Spijkse Kweldijk

Spijkse Kweldijk is a street in the place Spijk (Lingewaal) within the municipality Lingewaal of the province Gelderland. Spijkse Kweldijk is 1 of the 15 streets in Spijk (Lingewaal). Spijkse Kweldijk knows 8 postcodes of the total 30 postcodes that Spijk (Lingewaal) has.

Spijkse Kweldijk is located in the neighbourhood Spijk en Boveneind Spijk en Vogelswerf within the district Wijk 01 Heukelum. This neighbourhood has a total of 26 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 365 households with 925 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Spijkse Kweldijk is 0316.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Lingewaal
place: Spijk (Lingewaal)
district: Wijk 01 Heukelum
neighbourhood: Spijk en Boveneind Spijk en Vogelswerf
postcode number: 4211
area code: 0316

Stations and supermarkets Spijkse Kweldijk

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Spijkse Kweldijk

stations Spijkse Kweldijk

Below you see the stations which are near the street Spijkse Kweldijk with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Arkel Stationsweg 25 4241XH 2.23 km
Station Gorinchem Stationsweg 3 4205AA 4.73 km
Station Leerdam Stationsweg 3 4141HB 10.62 km
Station Hardinxveld-Giessendam Stationsstraat 2 3371AX 19.28 km
Station Beesd Stationsweg 12 4153RD 21.44 km

supermarkets Spijkse Kweldijk

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Spijkse Kweldijk.

supermarket street postcode distance
EMTE Dokter H. de Vriesplein 14 4241BW 1.82 km
Nettorama Dr. H.B. Wiardi Beckmanplein 67 4207NA 2.58 km
Plus Dr. H.B. Wiardi Beckmanplein 37 4207NA 2.63 km
Nettorama Arkelse Onderweg 32 4206AH 3.24 km
Aldi Rosmolensteeg 48 4201LA 4.35 km
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