Postcode Oude Diedenweg in Wageningen

In search for the postcode of Oude Diedenweg? There are 5 postcodes linked to the street Oude Diedenweg in Wageningen. Oude Diedenweg is a street in the place Wageningen within the municipality Wageningen in the province Gelderland. Oude Diedenweg has the postcode number 6704 and is located in the neighbourhood Buitenwijk Wageningen-Noordoost within the district Wijk 00 Stedelijk gebied.

Overview Postcodes Oude Diedenweg

There are 5 postcodes belonging to the street Oude Diedenweg in Wageningen.

postcode street house numbers
6704AA Oude Diedenweg 1 t/m 21
6704AB Oude Diedenweg 23 t/m 75
6704AC Oude Diedenweg 135 t/m 171
6704AD Oude Diedenweg 2 t/m 64
6704AE Oude Diedenweg 108 t/m 180

More about Oude Diedenweg

Oude Diedenweg is a street in the place Wageningen within the municipality Wageningen of the province Gelderland. Oude Diedenweg is 1 of the 393 streets in Wageningen. Oude Diedenweg knows 5 postcodes of the total 1 054 postcodes that Wageningen has.

Oude Diedenweg is located in the neighbourhood Buitenwijk Wageningen-Noordoost within the district Wijk 00 Stedelijk gebied. This neighbourhood has a total of 148 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 790 households with 4 875 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Oude Diedenweg is 0317.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Wageningen
place: Wageningen
district: Wijk 00 Stedelijk gebied
neighbourhood: Buitenwijk Wageningen-Noordoost
postcode number: 6704
area code: 0317

Stations and supermarkets Oude Diedenweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Oude Diedenweg

stations Oude Diedenweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Oude Diedenweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Ede-Wageningen Stationsplein 6 6711PN 5.3 km
Station Hemmen-Dodewaard Boelenhamsestraat 4 6669MN 6.57 km
Station Ede Centrum Museumplein 5 6711NA 7.01 km
Station Opheusden Dalwagenseweg 2 4043MX 7.48 km
Station Zetten-Andelst Wageningsestraat 37 6671DA 8.37 km

supermarkets Oude Diedenweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Oude Diedenweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Spar Geertjesweg 56 6706ED 0.89 km
Aldi Churchillweg 92 6706AD 1.17 km
Albert Heijn Stadsbrink 375 6707AA 1.84 km
Plus Dorpsstraat 55 6721JJ 1.86 km
C1000 Tarthorst 1223 6708HZ 1.98 km
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