Postcode Pius XII straat in Wijchen

In search for the postcode of Pius XII straat? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Pius XII straat in Wijchen. Pius XII straat is a street in the place Wijchen within the municipality Wijchen in the province Gelderland. Pius XII straat has the postcode number 6602 and is located in the neighbourhood Centrum within the district Wijk 01 Wijchen kern.

Overview Postcodes Pius XII straat

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Pius XII straat in Wijchen.

postcode street house numbers
6602BC Pius XII straat 15 t/m 15
6602BD Pius XII straat 2 t/m 20
6602BE Pius XII straat 17 t/m 99

More about Pius XII straat

Pius XII straat is a street in the place Wijchen within the municipality Wijchen of the province Gelderland. Pius XII straat is 1 of the 293 streets in Wijchen. Pius XII straat knows 3 postcodes of the total 1 042 postcodes that Wijchen has.

Pius XII straat is located in the neighbourhood Centrum within the district Wijk 01 Wijchen kern. This neighbourhood has a total of 55 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 690 households with 1 180 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Pius XII straat is 024.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Wijchen
place: Wijchen
district: Wijk 01 Wijchen kern
neighbourhood: Centrum
postcode number: 6602
area code: 024

Stations and supermarkets Pius XII straat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Pius XII straat

stations Pius XII straat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Pius XII straat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Wijchen Stationsplein 2 6602BN 0.75 km
Station Nijmegen Dukenburg Zwanenveld 8401 6538TL 8 km
Station Ravenstein Stationssingel 122 5371BB 9.66 km
Station Zetten-Andelst Wageningsestraat 37 6671DA 12.29 km
Station Hemmen-Dodewaard Boelenhamsestraat 4 6669MN 13.76 km

supermarkets Pius XII straat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Pius XII straat.

supermarket street postcode distance
EMTE Herenstraat 17 6602BA 0.17 km
Aldi Spoorstraat 43 6602AW 0.23 km
Albert Heijn Europaplein 85 6602GV 0.57 km
Coop Tunnelweg 86 6601CX 0.72 km
Jumbo Zuiderpoort 12 6605HN 1.05 km
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