Postcode Madame Curiestraat in Groningen

In search for the postcode of Madame Curiestraat? There are 9 postcodes linked to the street Madame Curiestraat in Groningen. Madame Curiestraat is a street in the place Groningen within the municipality Groningen in the province Groningen. Madame Curiestraat has the postcode number 9728 and is located in the neighbourhood Corpus den Hoorn within the district Zuidwest.

Overview Postcodes Madame Curiestraat

There are 9 postcodes belonging to the street Madame Curiestraat in Groningen.

postcode street house numbers
9728HK Madame Curiestraat 1 t/m 47
9728HL Madame Curiestraat 49 t/m 95
9728HM Madame Curiestraat 97 t/m 143
9728HN Madame Curiestraat 145 t/m 191
9728HP Madame Curiestraat 193 t/m 215
9728HR Madame Curiestraat 2 t/m 48
9728HS Madame Curiestraat 50 t/m 86
9728HT Madame Curiestraat 88 t/m 126
9728HV Madame Curiestraat 128 t/m 162

Postcodes and streets at Madame Curiestraat in Groningen

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Madame Curiestraat.

More about Madame Curiestraat

Madame Curiestraat is a street in the place Groningen within the municipality Groningen of the province Groningen. Madame Curiestraat is 1 of the 1 468 streets in Groningen. Madame Curiestraat knows 9 postcodes of the total 5 516 postcodes that Groningen has.

Madame Curiestraat is located in the neighbourhood Corpus den Hoorn within the district Zuidwest. This neighbourhood has a total of 135 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 655 households with 4 495 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Madame Curiestraat is 050.

province: Groningen
municipality: Groningen
place: Groningen
district: Zuidwest
neighbourhood: Corpus den Hoorn
postcode number: 9728
area code: 050

Stations and supermarkets Madame Curiestraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Madame Curiestraat

stations Madame Curiestraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Madame Curiestraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Groningen Stationsplein 4 9726AE 1.62 km
Station Groningen Europapark Verlengde Lodewijkstraat 45 9723AK 2.96 km
Station Groningen Noord Kastanjelaan 1 9741CN 3.66 km
Station Haren Stationsplein 1 9751SX 7.09 km
Station Sauwerd Stationsstraat 1 9771AD 10.91 km

supermarkets Madame Curiestraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Madame Curiestraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi Flemingstraat 1 9728GZ 0.09 km
C1000 Overwinningsplein 7 9728GP 0.37 km
Aldi Hoornsediep 147 9727GH 0.91 km
Lidl Van Lenneplaan 113 9721PE 1.07 km
Albert Heijn Van Lenneplaan 99 9721PE 1.08 km
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