Postcode Meerpaal in Groningen

In search for the postcode of Meerpaal? There are 20 postcodes linked to the street Meerpaal in Groningen. Meerpaal is a street in the place Groningen within the municipality Groningen in the province Groningen. Meerpaal has the postcode number 9732 and is located in the neighbourhood Lewenborg-Zuid within the district Noorddijk e.o..

Overview Postcodes Meerpaal

There are 20 postcodes belonging to the street Meerpaal in Groningen.

postcode street house numbers
9732AA Meerpaal 1 t/m 15
9732AB Meerpaal 16 t/m 34
9732AC Meerpaal 35 t/m 51
9732AD Meerpaal 52 t/m 72
9732AE Meerpaal 73 t/m 96
9732AG Meerpaal 97 t/m 114
9732AH Meerpaal 115 t/m 126
9732AJ Meerpaal 127 t/m 149
9732AK Meerpaal 150 t/m 169
9732AL Meerpaal 170 t/m 193
9732AM Meerpaal 194 t/m 218
9732AN Meerpaal 219 t/m 243
9732AP Meerpaal 244 t/m 267
9732AR Meerpaal 268 t/m 285
9732AS Meerpaal 286 t/m 309
9732AT Meerpaal 310 t/m 333
9732AV Meerpaal 334 t/m 353
9732AW Meerpaal 354 t/m 375
9732AX Meerpaal 376 t/m 393
9732AZ Meerpaal 394 t/m 406

Postcodes and streets at Meerpaal in Groningen

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Meerpaal.

More about Meerpaal

Meerpaal is a street in the place Groningen within the municipality Groningen of the province Groningen. Meerpaal is 1 of the 1 468 streets in Groningen. Meerpaal knows 20 postcodes of the total 5 516 postcodes that Groningen has.

Meerpaal is located in the neighbourhood Lewenborg-Zuid within the district Noorddijk e.o.. This neighbourhood has a total of 80 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 595 households with 3 515 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Meerpaal is 050.

province: Groningen
municipality: Groningen
place: Groningen
district: Noorddijk e.o.
neighbourhood: Lewenborg-Zuid
postcode number: 9732
area code: 050

Stations and supermarkets Meerpaal

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Meerpaal

stations Meerpaal

Below you see the stations which are near the street Meerpaal with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Groningen Europapark Verlengde Lodewijkstraat 45 9723AK 5.86 km
Station Haren Stationsplein 1 9751SX 6.77 km
Station Groningen Stationsplein 4 9726AE 7.61 km
Station Groningen Noord Kastanjelaan 1 9741CN 7.92 km
Station Bedum Stationsweg 1 9781CE 8.08 km

supermarkets Meerpaal

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Meerpaal.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Kajuit 250 9733CS 0.45 km
Aldi Kajuit 319 9733CX 0.53 km
Albert Heijn Rijksweg 129 9731AH 1.25 km
Albert Heijn Rijksweg 16 9731AB 3.21 km
Aldi Claremaheerd 45 9736LC 3.26 km
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