Postcode Raadhuisplein in Haren Gn

In search for the postcode of Raadhuisplein? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Raadhuisplein in Haren Gn. Raadhuisplein is a street in the place Haren Gn within the municipality Haren in the province Groningen. Raadhuisplein has the postcode number 9751 and is located in the neighbourhood Haren within the district Wijk 00 Centrum.

Overview Postcodes Raadhuisplein

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Raadhuisplein in Haren Gn.

postcode street house numbers
9751AM Raadhuisplein 2 t/m 8
9751AN Raadhuisplein 10 t/m 18
9751AP Raadhuisplein 19 t/m 24

More about Raadhuisplein

Raadhuisplein is a street in the place Haren Gn within the municipality Haren of the province Groningen. Raadhuisplein is 1 of the 255 streets in Haren Gn. Raadhuisplein knows 3 postcodes of the total 592 postcodes that Haren Gn has.

Raadhuisplein is located in the neighbourhood Haren within the district Wijk 00 Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 375 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 4 665 households with 9 375 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Raadhuisplein is 050.

province: Groningen
municipality: Haren
place: Haren Gn
district: Wijk 00 Centrum
neighbourhood: Haren
postcode number: 9751
area code: 050

Stations and supermarkets Raadhuisplein

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Raadhuisplein

stations Raadhuisplein

Below you see the stations which are near the street Raadhuisplein with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Haren Stationsplein 1 9751SX 1.69 km
Station Groningen Europapark Verlengde Lodewijkstraat 45 9723AK 4.23 km
Station Groningen Stationsplein 4 9726AE 6.02 km
Station Groningen Noord Kastanjelaan 1 9741CN 8.12 km
Station Kropswolde Julianastraat 110A 9601LT 13.99 km

supermarkets Raadhuisplein

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Raadhuisplein.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Kroonkampweg 10 9752KH 0.21 km
Albert Heijn Kerkstraat 27 9751BB 0.6 km
Aldi Jachtlaan 2 9751BT 0.77 km
C1000 Anjerlaan 33 9753GB 2.43 km
Poiesz De Savornin Lohmanlaan 86 9722HK 2.99 km
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