Postcode 9623PH in Lageland

Searching for the streetname with postcode 9623PH? There is one street which uses the postcode 9623PH in Lageland. 9623PH is a postcode in the place Lageland within the municipality Midden-Groningen in the province Groningen. 9623PH has the postcode number 9623 and is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen ten oosten van Hamweg within the district Wijk 03 Harkstede.

The postcode 9623PH belongs to the street Buitenbaan and has the following housenumber range: 3 - 3.

Overview Streets postcode 9623PH

There is one street belonging to the postcode 9623PH in Lageland.

street postcode house numbers
Buitenbaan 9623PH 3 to 3

Postcodes and streets near 9623PH in Lageland

These are the postcodes and streets in the area of the postcode 9623PH

Postcodes at 9623PH

Postcodes near the postcode 9623PH in Lageland.

Streets at 9623PH

Streets in the immediate vicinity of the postcode 9623PH in Lageland.

More about the postcode 9623PH

9623PH is a postcode in the city Lageland within the municipality Midden-Groningen of the province Groningen. 9623PH is 1 of the 8 postcodes in Lageland. 9623PH is assigned to 1 street of the total 7 streets that is using Lageland. The postcode 9623PH is linked to the street Buitenbaan and has the house number range 3 - 3.

9623PH is locaed in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen ten oosten van Hamweg within the district Wijk 03 Harkstede. This neighbourhood has a total of 9 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 50 households with 120 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 9623PH is 050.

province: Groningen
municipality: Midden-Groningen
place: Lageland
district: Wijk 03 Harkstede
neighbourhood: Verspreide huizen ten oosten van Hamweg
postcode number: 9623
area code: 050

Stations and supermarkets 9623PH

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 9623PH.

stations 9623PH

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 9623PH.

station street postcode distance
Station Kropswolde Julianastraat 110A 9601LT 7.99 km
Station Martenshoek Spoorstraat Zuid 69 9602AA 8.86 km
Station Hoogezand-Sappemeer Stationsweg 4 9601BK 9.95 km
Station Stedum Stationsstraat 2 9921PX 10.8 km
Station Loppersum Stationslaan 8 9919AB 11.49 km

supermarkets 9623PH

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 9623PH.

station street postcode distance
Coop Hoofdweg 42 9617AH 3.39 km
Plus Gaykingastraat 24 9791CH 5.1 km
Coop Koopmansplein 10 9791MA 5.4 km
Jumbo Meint Veningastraat 26 9601KG 8.37 km
Aldi Meint Veningastraat 38 9601KG 8.37 km
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