Postcode Wirdumerweg in Wirdum Gn

In search for the postcode of Wirdumerweg? There are 5 postcodes linked to the street Wirdumerweg in Wirdum Gn. Wirdumerweg is a street in the place Wirdum Gn within the municipality Loppersum in the province Groningen. Wirdumerweg has the postcode number 9917 and is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen ten noorden van het Damsterdiep within the district Wijk 00.

Overview Postcodes Wirdumerweg

There are 5 postcodes belonging to the street Wirdumerweg in Wirdum Gn.

postcode street house numbers
9917PA Wirdumerweg 1 t/m 23
9917PB Wirdumerweg 25 t/m 51
9917PC Wirdumerweg 53 t/m 73
9917PD Wirdumerweg 75 t/m 97
9917PE Wirdumerweg 2 t/m 26

Postcodes and streets at Wirdumerweg in Wirdum Gn

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Wirdumerweg.

More about Wirdumerweg

Wirdumerweg is a street in the place Wirdum Gn within the municipality Loppersum of the province Groningen. Wirdumerweg is 1 of the 16 streets in Wirdum Gn. Wirdumerweg knows 5 postcodes of the total 25 postcodes that Wirdum Gn has.

Wirdumerweg is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen ten noorden van het Damsterdiep within the district Wijk 00. This neighbourhood has a total of 13 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 80 households with 190 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Wirdumerweg is 0596.

province: Groningen
municipality: Loppersum
place: Wirdum Gn
district: Wijk 00
neighbourhood: Verspreide huizen ten noorden van het Damsterdiep
postcode number: 9917
area code: 0596

Stations and supermarkets Wirdumerweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Wirdumerweg

stations Wirdumerweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Wirdumerweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Loppersum Stationslaan 8 9919AB 3.82 km
Station Appingedam Stationsweg 27 9901CP 8.89 km
Station Stedum Stationsstraat 2 9921PX 10.18 km
Station Roodeschool Zuster Kortestraat 1 9983SV 10.79 km
Station Uithuizermeeden Stationsstraat 2 9982HA 11.95 km

supermarkets Wirdumerweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Wirdumerweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Hogestraat 4 9919AM 3.82 km
Aldi Koningstraat 32 9901EE 8.8 km
Albert Heijn Overdiep 1 9902DB 8.85 km
Coop Ossedrift 1 9901JH 9.11 km
Troefmarkt Adriaan Clantstraat 6 9921PD 9.5 km
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