Postcode Graaf van Hornelaan in Heythuysen

In search for the postcode of Graaf van Hornelaan? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Graaf van Hornelaan in Heythuysen. Graaf van Hornelaan is a street in the place Heythuysen within the municipality Leudal in the province Limburg. Graaf van Hornelaan has the postcode number 6093 and is located in the neighbourhood Kern Heythuysen within the district Heythuysen.

Overview Postcodes Graaf van Hornelaan

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Graaf van Hornelaan in Heythuysen.

postcode street house numbers
6093BM Graaf van Hornelaan 1 t/m 25
6093BN Graaf van Hornelaan 2 t/m 30
6093BP Graaf van Hornelaan 32 t/m 82

More about Graaf van Hornelaan

Graaf van Hornelaan is a street in the place Heythuysen within the municipality Leudal of the province Limburg. Graaf van Hornelaan is 1 of the 122 streets in Heythuysen. Graaf van Hornelaan knows 3 postcodes of the total 180 postcodes that Heythuysen has.

Graaf van Hornelaan is located in the neighbourhood Kern Heythuysen within the district Heythuysen. This neighbourhood has a total of 145 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 555 households with 5 780 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Graaf van Hornelaan is 0475.

province: Limburg
municipality: Leudal
place: Heythuysen
district: Heythuysen
neighbourhood: Kern Heythuysen
postcode number: 6093
area code: 0475

Stations and supermarkets Graaf van Hornelaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Graaf van Hornelaan

stations Graaf van Hornelaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Graaf van Hornelaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Roermond Stationsplein 8 6041GN 12.5 km
Station Swalmen Stationsstraat 1 6071KA 15.28 km
Station Echt Stationsweg 5 6101HK 16.32 km
Station Susteren Spoorstraat 20 6114EL 20.61 km
Station Reuver Stationstraat 8 5953GX 20.85 km

supermarkets Graaf van Hornelaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Graaf van Hornelaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi Dorpstraat 22 6093EC 0.48 km
Lidl Schoolstraat 2 6093EH 0.51 km
Jumbo Dorpstraat 57 6093EB 0.71 km
Spar Dorpstraat 91 6095AG 2.4 km
Jan Linders Dorpsstraat 11 6088BN 3.92 km
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