Postcode Adelbert van Scharnlaan B in Maastricht

In search for the postcode of Adelbert van Scharnlaan B? There is one postcode linked to the street Adelbert van Scharnlaan B in Maastricht. Adelbert van Scharnlaan B is a street in the place Maastricht within the municipality Maastricht in the province Limburg. Adelbert van Scharnlaan B has the postcode number 6226 and is located in the neighbourhood Scharn within the district Wijk 04 Buitenwijk Oost.

Overview Postcodes Adelbert van Scharnlaan B

There is one postcode belonging to the street Adelbert van Scharnlaan B in Maastricht.

postcode street house numbers
6226ED Adelbert van Scharnlaan B 1 t/m 9

More about Adelbert van Scharnlaan B

Adelbert van Scharnlaan B is a street in the place Maastricht within the municipality Maastricht of the province Limburg. Adelbert van Scharnlaan B is 1 of the 1 589 streets in Maastricht. Adelbert van Scharnlaan B has 1 postcode of the total 3 112 postcodes that Maastricht knows.

Adelbert van Scharnlaan B is located in the neighbourhood Scharn within the district Wijk 04 Buitenwijk Oost. This neighbourhood has a total of 159 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 3 515 households with 6 540 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Adelbert van Scharnlaan B is 043.

province: Limburg
municipality: Maastricht
place: Maastricht
district: Wijk 04 Buitenwijk Oost
neighbourhood: Scharn
postcode number: 6226
area code: 043

Stations and supermarkets Adelbert van Scharnlaan B

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Adelbert van Scharnlaan B

stations Adelbert van Scharnlaan B

Below you see the stations which are near the street Adelbert van Scharnlaan B with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Maastricht Randwyck Joseph Bechlaan 100 6229GR 1.61 km
Station Maastricht Stationsplein 27 6221BT 2.62 km
Station Meerssen Stationsplein 1 6231CN 4.72 km
Station Bunde Spoorstraat 41 6241CL 5.74 km
Station Houthem-St. Gerlach van Caldenborghsweg 4 6301JK 8.14 km

supermarkets Adelbert van Scharnlaan B

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Adelbert van Scharnlaan B.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Burgemeester Cortenstraat 8 6226GV 0.26 km
Plus De Mandel 702 6227CS 0.38 km
Albert Heijn Scharnerweg 110 6224JJ 1.81 km
Jumbo Voltastraat 7 6224EK 1.82 km
Plus Severenplein 24 6225AZ 1.96 km
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