Postcode Het Schoor in Wessem

In search for the postcode of Het Schoor? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Het Schoor in Wessem. Het Schoor is a street in the place Wessem within the municipality Maasgouw in the province Limburg. Het Schoor has the postcode number 6019 and is located in the neighbourhood Wessem within the district Wijk 07 Wessem.

Overview Postcodes Het Schoor

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Het Schoor in Wessem.

postcode street house numbers
6019EB Het Schoor 2 t/m 16
6019EC Het Schoor 1 t/m 39

More about Het Schoor

Het Schoor is a street in the place Wessem within the municipality Maasgouw of the province Limburg. Het Schoor is 1 of the 68 streets in Wessem. Het Schoor knows 2 postcodes of the total 81 postcodes that Wessem has.

Het Schoor is located in the neighbourhood Wessem within the district Wijk 07 Wessem. This neighbourhood has a total of 80 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 895 households with 2 050 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Het Schoor is 0475.

province: Limburg
municipality: Maasgouw
place: Wessem
district: Wijk 07 Wessem
neighbourhood: Wessem
postcode number: 6019
area code: 0475

Stations and supermarkets Het Schoor

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Het Schoor

stations Het Schoor

Below you see the stations which are near the street Het Schoor with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Echt Stationsweg 5 6101HK 6.96 km
Station Susteren Spoorstraat 20 6114EL 11.17 km
Station Roermond Stationsplein 8 6041GN 13.29 km
Station Sittard Stationsplein 2A 6131AS 18.04 km
Station Swalmen Stationsstraat 1 6071KA 18.95 km

supermarkets Het Schoor

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Het Schoor.

supermarket street postcode distance
Plus Markt 2 6051DZ 2.34 km
Lidl Markt 9 6051DZ 2.35 km
Jumbo Dorpsstraat 21 6097AL 3.31 km
Spar Casino 33 6017BR 4.37 km
Nettorama Maasbrachterweg 2 6101AZ 5.94 km
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