Postcode van de Spiegelstraat in Breda

In search for the postcode of van de Spiegelstraat? There are 5 postcodes linked to the street van de Spiegelstraat in Breda. van de Spiegelstraat is a street in the place Breda within the municipality Breda in the province Noord-Brabant. van de Spiegelstraat has the postcode number 4812 and is located in the neighbourhood Heuvel within the district Breda West.

Overview Postcodes van de Spiegelstraat

There are 5 postcodes belonging to the street van de Spiegelstraat in Breda.

postcode street house numbers
4812LE van de Spiegelstraat 1 t/m 47
4812LG van de Spiegelstraat 49 t/m 103
4812LH van de Spiegelstraat 63 t/m 63
4812LJ van de Spiegelstraat 2 t/m 40
4812LK van de Spiegelstraat 42 t/m 56

More about van de Spiegelstraat

van de Spiegelstraat is a street in the place Breda within the municipality Breda of the province Noord-Brabant. van de Spiegelstraat is 1 of the 1 573 streets in Breda. van de Spiegelstraat knows 5 postcodes of the total 3 303 postcodes that Breda has.

van de Spiegelstraat is located in the neighbourhood Heuvel within the district Breda West. This neighbourhood has a total of 157 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 4 260 households with 7 985 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the van de Spiegelstraat is 076.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Breda
place: Breda
district: Breda West
neighbourhood: Heuvel
postcode number: 4812
area code: 076

Stations and supermarkets van de Spiegelstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street van de Spiegelstraat

stations van de Spiegelstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street van de Spiegelstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Breda Stationsplein 16 4811BB 4.4 km
Station Etten-Leur Stationsplein 1 4872XL 12.21 km
Station Zevenbergen Stationslaan 1 4761BG 16.97 km
Station Gilze-Rijen Stationsplein 1 5121EA 19.82 km
Station Oudenbosch Stationsstraat 7 4731GM 23.74 km

supermarkets van de Spiegelstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street van de Spiegelstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Pastoor van Spaandonkstraat 48 4813BS 0.98 km
C1000 Pastoor van Spaandonkstraat 60 4813BS 1.01 km
Jumbo Dr. Struyckenplein 60 4812TA 1.16 km
Jumbo Cypresstraat 21 4814PN 1.81 km
Jumbo Rat Verleghstraat 4 4815NZ 2.35 km
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