Postcode Lage Donk in Etten-Leur

In search for the postcode of Lage Donk? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Lage Donk in Etten-Leur. Lage Donk is a street in the place Etten-Leur within the municipality Etten-Leur in the province Noord-Brabant. Lage Donk has the postcode number 4874 and is located in the neighbourhood Landelijk gebied 1 (Noord) within the district Wijk 12 Etten-Leur Noord verspreide huizen.

Overview Postcodes Lage Donk

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Lage Donk in Etten-Leur.

postcode street house numbers
4874LM Lage Donk 11 t/m 51
4874LN Lage Donk 67 t/m 121
4874LP Lage Donk 12 t/m 110

More about Lage Donk

Lage Donk is a street in the place Etten-Leur within the municipality Etten-Leur of the province Noord-Brabant. Lage Donk is 1 of the 576 streets in Etten-Leur. Lage Donk knows 3 postcodes of the total 978 postcodes that Etten-Leur has.

Lage Donk is located in the neighbourhood Landelijk gebied 1 (Noord) within the district Wijk 12 Etten-Leur Noord verspreide huizen. This neighbourhood has a total of 11 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 90 households with 215 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Lage Donk is 076.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Etten-Leur
place: Etten-Leur
district: Wijk 12 Etten-Leur Noord verspreide huizen
neighbourhood: Landelijk gebied 1 (Noord)
postcode number: 4874
area code: 076

Stations and supermarkets Lage Donk

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Lage Donk

stations Lage Donk

Below you see the stations which are near the street Lage Donk with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Etten-Leur Stationsplein 1 4872XL 3.76 km
Station Zevenbergen Stationslaan 1 4761BG 6.93 km
Station Oudenbosch Stationsstraat 7 4731GM 7.81 km
Station Roosendaal Stationsplein 1 4702VX 16.59 km
Station Breda Stationsplein 16 4811BB 19.69 km

supermarkets Lage Donk

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Lage Donk.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi St. Janstraat 3 4741AR 1.82 km
Albert Heijn Raadhuisplein 91 4741AN 2.22 km
Aldi Markt 13 4875CB 3.72 km
Lidl Trompetlaan 30 4876XA 3.81 km
EMTE Kievitstraat 17 4711KH 4.01 km
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