Postcode 1066DX in Amsterdam

Searching for the streetname with postcode 1066DX? There is one street which uses the postcode 1066DX in Amsterdam. 1066DX is a postcode in the place Amsterdam within the municipality Amsterdam in the province Noord-Holland. 1066DX has the postcode number 1066 and is located in the neighbourhood Medisch Centrum Slotervaart within the district Slotervaart Zuid.

The postcode 1066DX belongs to the street Louweshoek and has the following housenumber range: 501 - 522.

Overview Streets postcode 1066DX

There is one street belonging to the postcode 1066DX in Amsterdam.

street postcode house numbers
Louweshoek 1066DX 501 to 522

More about the postcode 1066DX

1066DX is a postcode in the city Amsterdam within the municipality Amsterdam of the province Noord-Holland. 1066DX is 1 of the 19 004 postcodes in Amsterdam. 1066DX is assigned to 1 street of the total 4 662 streets that is using Amsterdam. The postcode 1066DX is linked to the street Louweshoek and has the house number range 501 - 522.

1066DX is locaed in the neighbourhood Medisch Centrum Slotervaart within the district Slotervaart Zuid. This neighbourhood has a total of 12 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 585 households with 750 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 1066DX is 020.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Amsterdam
place: Amsterdam
district: Slotervaart Zuid
neighbourhood: Medisch Centrum Slotervaart
postcode number: 1066
area code: 020

Stations and supermarkets 1066DX

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 1066DX.

stations 1066DX

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 1066DX.

station street postcode distance
Station Amsterdam Lelylaan Cornelis Lelylaan 35 1062HD 1.74 km
Station Amsterdam Sloterdijk Orlyplein 105 1043DT 5.03 km
Station Amsterdam Zuid WTC Zuidplein 10 1077XV 5.51 km
Station Amsterdam RAI Europaboulevard 10 1083AD 7.33 km
Station Schiphol Aankomstpassage 18 1118AX 8 km

supermarkets 1066DX

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 1066DX.

station street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Sierplein 78 1065LN 1.06 km
Dirk Sierplein 6 1065LM 1.14 km
Dirk Belgiƫplein 106 1066SC 1.43 km
Albert Heijn Belgiƫplein 107 1066RC 1.49 km
Albert Heijn to go Cornelis Lelylaan 35 1062HD 1.74 km
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