Postcode Grote Houtweg in Beverwijk

In search for the postcode of Grote Houtweg? There are 6 postcodes linked to the street Grote Houtweg in Beverwijk. Grote Houtweg is a street in the place Beverwijk within the municipality Beverwijk in the province Noord-Holland. Grote Houtweg has the postcode number 1944 and is located in the neighbourhood Burgerhartstraat within the district Wijk 00 Centrum.

Overview Postcodes Grote Houtweg

There are 6 postcodes belonging to the street Grote Houtweg in Beverwijk.

postcode street house numbers
1944HB Grote Houtweg 61 t/m 97
1944HC Grote Houtweg 99 t/m 145
1944HD Grote Houtweg 147 t/m 201
1944HE Grote Houtweg 203 t/m 255
1944HH Grote Houtweg 58 t/m 110
1944HJ Grote Houtweg 122 t/m 180

More about Grote Houtweg

Grote Houtweg is a street in the place Beverwijk within the municipality Beverwijk of the province Noord-Holland. Grote Houtweg is 1 of the 433 streets in Beverwijk. Grote Houtweg knows 6 postcodes of the total 941 postcodes that Beverwijk has.

Grote Houtweg is located in the neighbourhood Burgerhartstraat within the district Wijk 00 Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 24 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 465 households with 1 035 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Grote Houtweg is 0251.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Beverwijk
place: Beverwijk
district: Wijk 00 Centrum
neighbourhood: Burgerhartstraat
postcode number: 1944
area code: 0251

Stations and supermarkets Grote Houtweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Grote Houtweg

stations Grote Houtweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Grote Houtweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Beverwijk Stationsplein 46 1948LC 1.16 km
Station Heemskerk Euratomplein 5 1966SP 3.18 km
Station Driehuis Van den Vondellaan 46 1985BD 5.22 km
Station Castricum Stationsweg 4 1901AA 6.35 km
Station Santpoort Noord Santpoortse Dreef 1 2071TP 6.68 km

supermarkets Grote Houtweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Grote Houtweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Dekamarkt Westerlaan 27 1944WX 0.61 km
Aldi Breestraat 173 1941EH 0.63 km
Vomar Schouwenaarsstraat 5 1945SW 0.64 km
Albert Heijn Beverhof 41 1941EC 0.68 km
Vomar Plantage 14 1943LM 0.76 km
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