Postcode Huygenhoekring in Heerhugowaard

In search for the postcode of Huygenhoekring? There are 7 postcodes linked to the street Huygenhoekring in Heerhugowaard. Huygenhoekring is a street in the place Heerhugowaard within the municipality Heerhugowaard in the province Noord-Holland. Huygenhoekring has the postcode number 1705 and is located in the neighbourhood Huygenhoek 1 within the district Wijk16 Huygenhoek.

Overview Postcodes Huygenhoekring

There are 7 postcodes belonging to the street Huygenhoekring in Heerhugowaard.

postcode street house numbers
1705HA Huygenhoekring 1 t/m 51
1705HB Huygenhoekring 53 t/m 99
1705HC Huygenhoekring 101 t/m 167
1705HD Huygenhoekring 169 t/m 199
1705HE Huygenhoekring 201 t/m 247
1705HZ Huygenhoekring 2 t/m 24
1705JL Huygenhoekring 26 t/m 80

More about Huygenhoekring

Huygenhoekring is a street in the place Heerhugowaard within the municipality Heerhugowaard of the province Noord-Holland. Huygenhoekring is 1 of the 668 streets in Heerhugowaard. Huygenhoekring knows 7 postcodes of the total 1 209 postcodes that Heerhugowaard has.

Huygenhoekring is located in the neighbourhood Huygenhoek 1 within the district Wijk16 Huygenhoek. This neighbourhood has a total of 47 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 085 households with 2 995 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Huygenhoekring is 072.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Heerhugowaard
place: Heerhugowaard
district: Wijk16 Huygenhoek
neighbourhood: Huygenhoek 1
postcode number: 1705
area code: 072

Stations and supermarkets Huygenhoekring

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Huygenhoekring

stations Huygenhoekring

Below you see the stations which are near the street Huygenhoekring with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Heerhugowaard Stationsplein 5 1703WD 2.41 km
Station Station Alkmaar Noord Drechterwaard 110 1824DX 7.06 km
Station Alkmaar Stationsweg 47 1815CB 9.67 km
Station Obdam Dorpsstraat 156 1713HM 9.78 km
Station Obdam Stationsweg 156 1713HM 9.78 km

supermarkets Huygenhoekring

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Huygenhoekring.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Anna Clasina op 't Landtplantsoen 11 1705GS 0.1 km
Vomar Uiterwaard 1 1703MB 0.64 km
Lidl Middenwaard 55 1703SC 1.51 km
Albert Heijn Roze Flamingo 98 1704WV 1.56 km
Albert Heijn XL Middenwaard 2 1703SE 1.61 km
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