Postcode Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan in Purmerend

In search for the postcode of Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan? There are 6 postcodes linked to the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan in Purmerend. Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan is a street in the place Purmerend within the municipality Purmerend in the province Noord-Holland. Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan has the postcode number 1443 and is located in the neighbourhood Wheermolen-Oost within the district Wijk 03 Wheermolen.

Overview Postcodes Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan

There are 6 postcodes belonging to the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan in Purmerend.

Postcodes and streets at Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan in Purmerend

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan.

More about Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan

Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan is a street in the place Purmerend within the municipality Purmerend of the province Noord-Holland. Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan is 1 of the 722 streets in Purmerend. Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan knows 6 postcodes of the total 1 859 postcodes that Purmerend has.

Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan is located in the neighbourhood Wheermolen-Oost within the district Wijk 03 Wheermolen. This neighbourhood has a total of 128 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 525 households with 5 265 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan is 0299.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Purmerend
place: Purmerend
district: Wijk 03 Wheermolen
neighbourhood: Wheermolen-Oost
postcode number: 1443
area code: 0299

Stations and supermarkets Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan

stations Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Purmerend Overwhere Dr. J.M. den Uyllaan 18 1442VS 1.27 km
Station Purmerend Stationsweg 1 1441EJ 1.99 km
Station Purmerend Weidevenne Abel Tasmanplein 54 1448NL 4.14 km
Station Amsterdam Centraal Stationsplein 15 1012AB 16.31 km
Station Amsterdam Muiderpoort Oosterspoorplein 1 1093JW 16.81 km

supermarkets Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerlaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Deen John F. Kennedyplein 73 1443EB 0.4 km
Deen Van Burgplein 5 1447KP 1.39 km
Jumbo Gildeplein 58 1445BM 1.44 km
Vomar Van Burgplein 12 1447KR 1.44 km
Albert Heijn XL Burgemeester D. Kooimanweg 16 1442BZ 1.45 km
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