Postcode Leimuiderdijk in Rijsenhout

In search for the postcode of Leimuiderdijk? There are 8 postcodes linked to the street Leimuiderdijk in Rijsenhout. Leimuiderdijk is a street in the place Rijsenhout within the municipality Haarlemmermeer in the province Noord-Holland. Leimuiderdijk has the postcode number 1435 and is located in the neighbourhood Rijsenhout Dijk within the district Rijsenhout.

Overview Postcodes Leimuiderdijk

There are 8 postcodes belonging to the street Leimuiderdijk in Rijsenhout.

postcode street house numbers
1435CP Leimuiderdijk 2 t/m 23
1435CR Leimuiderdijk 24 t/m 39
1435CS Leimuiderdijk 40 t/m 55
1435CT Leimuiderdijk 56 t/m 78
1435CV Leimuiderdijk 75 t/m 98
1435CW Leimuiderdijk 100 t/m 112
1435CX Leimuiderdijk 117 t/m 195
1435CZ Leimuiderdijk 122 t/m 196

More about Leimuiderdijk

Leimuiderdijk is a street in the place Rijsenhout within the municipality Haarlemmermeer of the province Noord-Holland. Leimuiderdijk is 1 of the 45 streets in Rijsenhout. Leimuiderdijk knows 8 postcodes of the total 126 postcodes that Rijsenhout has.

Leimuiderdijk is located in the neighbourhood Rijsenhout Dijk within the district Rijsenhout. This neighbourhood has a total of 18 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 255 households with 600 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Leimuiderdijk is 0297.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Haarlemmermeer
place: Rijsenhout
district: Rijsenhout
neighbourhood: Rijsenhout Dijk
postcode number: 1435
area code: 0297

Stations and supermarkets Leimuiderdijk

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Leimuiderdijk

stations Leimuiderdijk

Below you see the stations which are near the street Leimuiderdijk with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Hoofddorp Mercuriusplein 30 2132HA 4.43 km
Station Nieuw Vennep Venneperweg 301 2153MA 7.66 km
Station Schiphol Aankomstpassage 18 1118AX 7.96 km
Station Halfweg-Zwanenburg Haarlemmerstraatweg 29 1165MJ 14.76 km
Station Haarlem Spaarnwoude Woudplein 4 2031CZ 14.89 km

supermarkets Leimuiderdijk

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Leimuiderdijk.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Werf 15 1435KP 0.26 km
Deen Molenpad 19 1431BZ 3.82 km
Albert Heijn Praamplein 4 1431CV 3.84 km
Albert Heijn Edisonstraat 103 1433KJ 4.64 km
Aldi Graan voor Visch 14005 2132VW 5.17 km
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