Postcode Hof van Blois in Zaandam

In search for the postcode of Hof van Blois? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Hof van Blois in Zaandam. Hof van Blois is a street in the place Zaandam within the municipality Zaanstad in the province Noord-Holland. Hof van Blois has the postcode number 1508 and is located in the neighbourhood Boerejonkerbuurt within the district Wijk 15 Kogerveldwijk.

Overview Postcodes Hof van Blois

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Hof van Blois in Zaandam.

postcode street house numbers
1508XW Hof van Blois 1 t/m 35
1508XX Hof van Blois 37 t/m 71
1508XZ Hof van Blois 73 t/m 107

More about Hof van Blois

Hof van Blois is a street in the place Zaandam within the municipality Zaanstad of the province Noord-Holland. Hof van Blois is 1 of the 769 streets in Zaandam. Hof van Blois knows 3 postcodes of the total 1 893 postcodes that Zaandam has.

Hof van Blois is located in the neighbourhood Boerejonkerbuurt within the district Wijk 15 Kogerveldwijk. This neighbourhood has a total of 41 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 680 households with 1 480 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Hof van Blois is 075.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Zaanstad
place: Zaandam
district: Wijk 15 Kogerveldwijk
neighbourhood: Boerejonkerbuurt
postcode number: 1508
area code: 075

Stations and supermarkets Hof van Blois

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Hof van Blois

stations Hof van Blois

Below you see the stations which are near the street Hof van Blois with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Zaandam Kogerveld Veldbloemenweg 2 1508WV 0.51 km
Station Koog Bloemwijk De Locomotief 59 1541MP 1.7 km
Station Zaandam Provincialeweg 25 1506MA 1.79 km
Station Zaandam Korte Hogendijk 25 1506MA 1.79 km
Station Koog-Zaandijk Stationsplein 1 1541LK 2.37 km

supermarkets Hof van Blois

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Hof van Blois.

supermarket street postcode distance
Dekamarkt Oostzijde 177 1502BD 0.58 km
Dekamarkt Zilverschoonplein 38 1508CL 0.74 km
Dekamarkt Westzijde 247 1506GE 0.91 km
Lidl Westzijde 59 1506EC 1.02 km
Dirk Behouden Haven 7 1506VA 1.08 km
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