Postcode Antilopespoor in Maarssen

In search for the postcode of Antilopespoor? There are 48 postcodes linked to the street Antilopespoor in Maarssen. Antilopespoor is a street in the place Maarssen within the municipality Stichtse Vecht in the province Utrecht. Antilopespoor has the postcode number 3605 and is located in the neighbourhood Antilopespoor within the district Wijk 12 Maarssenbroek.

Overview Postcodes Antilopespoor

There are 48 postcodes belonging to the street Antilopespoor in Maarssen.

postcode street house numbers
3605CA Antilopespoor 1 t/m 15
3605CB Antilopespoor 16 t/m 30
3605CC Antilopespoor 31 t/m 48
3605CD Antilopespoor 49 t/m 62
3605CE Antilopespoor 94 t/m 95
3605CG Antilopespoor 96 t/m 107
3605CH Antilopespoor 108 t/m 124
3605CJ Antilopespoor 125 t/m 141
3605CK Antilopespoor 142 t/m 155
3605CL Antilopespoor 156 t/m 169
3605CM Antilopespoor 170 t/m 185
3605CN Antilopespoor 186 t/m 205
3605CP Antilopespoor 206 t/m 216
3605CR Antilopespoor 217 t/m 240
3605CS Antilopespoor 241 t/m 254
3605CT Antilopespoor 255 t/m 268
3605CV Antilopespoor 269 t/m 291
3605CW Antilopespoor 292 t/m 303
3605CX Antilopespoor 304 t/m 313
3605VA Antilopespoor 339 t/m 339
3605VB Antilopespoor 340 t/m 351
3605VC Antilopespoor 352 t/m 363
3605VD Antilopespoor 364 t/m 369
3605VE Antilopespoor 370 t/m 390
3605VG Antilopespoor 391 t/m 402
3605VH Antilopespoor 403 t/m 418
3605VJ Antilopespoor 419 t/m 427
3605VK Antilopespoor 428 t/m 439
3605VL Antilopespoor 440 t/m 454
3605VM Antilopespoor 455 t/m 468
3605VN Antilopespoor 469 t/m 477
3605VP Antilopespoor 478 t/m 493
3605VR Antilopespoor 494 t/m 502
3605VS Antilopespoor 503 t/m 522
3605XA Antilopespoor 523 t/m 538
3605XB Antilopespoor 539 t/m 559
3605XC Antilopespoor 560 t/m 568
3605XD Antilopespoor 569 t/m 588
3605XE Antilopespoor 589 t/m 600
3605XG Antilopespoor 601 t/m 612
3605XH Antilopespoor 613 t/m 628
3605XJ Antilopespoor 629 t/m 640
3605XK Antilopespoor 641 t/m 652
3605XL Antilopespoor 653 t/m 664
3605XM Antilopespoor 665 t/m 676
3605XN Antilopespoor 677 t/m 696
3605XP Antilopespoor 697 t/m 705
3605XR Antilopespoor 706 t/m 721

Postcodes and streets at Antilopespoor in Maarssen

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Antilopespoor.

More about Antilopespoor

Antilopespoor is a street in the place Maarssen within the municipality Stichtse Vecht of the province Utrecht. Antilopespoor is 1 of the 212 streets in Maarssen. Antilopespoor knows 48 postcodes of the total 934 postcodes that Maarssen has.

Antilopespoor is located in the neighbourhood Antilopespoor within the district Wijk 12 Maarssenbroek. This neighbourhood has a total of 52 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 805 households with 1 525 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Antilopespoor is 0346.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Stichtse Vecht
place: Maarssen
district: Wijk 12 Maarssenbroek
neighbourhood: Antilopespoor
postcode number: 3605
area code: 0346

Stations and supermarkets Antilopespoor

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Antilopespoor

stations Antilopespoor

Below you see the stations which are near the street Antilopespoor with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Maarssen Westkanaaldijk 27 3606AM 0.85 km
Station Utrecht Terwijde Hof ter Weydeweg 1 3451ST 3.64 km
Station Vleuten Stationsstraat 53 3451BW 4.19 km
Station Breukelen Stationsweg 85 3621LK 5.85 km
Station Utrecht Centraal Stationshal 12 3511CE 9.88 km

supermarkets Antilopespoor

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Antilopespoor.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Bisonspoor 1078 3605KJ 0.28 km
Dirk Bisonspoor 1116 3605KN 0.33 km
Boni Nijverheidsweg 2 3606AJ 0.78 km
Dirk Harmonieplein 27 3603BM 0.9 km
Aldi Nassaustraat 61 3601BB 1.23 km
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