Postcode 3615BG in Westbroek

Searching for the streetname with postcode 3615BG? There is one street which uses the postcode 3615BG in Westbroek. 3615BG is a postcode in the place Westbroek within the municipality De Bilt in the province Utrecht. 3615BG has the postcode number 3615 and is located in the neighbourhood Achttienhoven-Westbroek within the district Wijk 06 Achttienhoven-Westbroek.

The postcode 3615BG belongs to the street Kerkdijk and has the following housenumber range: 42 - 68.

Overview Streets postcode 3615BG

There is one street belonging to the postcode 3615BG in Westbroek.

street postcode house numbers
Kerkdijk 3615BG 42 to 68

Postcodes and streets near 3615BG in Westbroek

These are the postcodes and streets in the area of the postcode 3615BG

More about the postcode 3615BG

3615BG is a postcode in the city Westbroek within the municipality De Bilt of the province Utrecht. 3615BG is 1 of the 31 postcodes in Westbroek. 3615BG is assigned to 1 street of the total 12 streets that is using Westbroek. The postcode 3615BG is linked to the street Kerkdijk and has the house number range 42 - 68.

3615BG is locaed in the neighbourhood Achttienhoven-Westbroek within the district Wijk 06 Achttienhoven-Westbroek. This neighbourhood has a total of 32 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 505 households with 1 245 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 3615BG is 0346.

province: Utrecht
municipality: De Bilt
place: Westbroek
district: Wijk 06 Achttienhoven-Westbroek
neighbourhood: Achttienhoven-Westbroek
postcode number: 3615
area code: 0346

Stations and supermarkets 3615BG

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 3615BG.

stations 3615BG

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 3615BG.

station street postcode distance
Station Utrecht Overvecht Tiberdreef 10 3561GG 4.94 km
Station Hollandsche Rading Vuursche Dreef 14 3739KT 7.18 km
Station Utrecht Centraal Stationshal 12 3511CE 7.35 km
Station Utrecht Maliebaan Hugo de Grootstraat 16 3581XW 7.51 km
Station Utrecht Maliebaan Maliebaanstation 16 3581XW 7.51 km

supermarkets 3615BG

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 3615BG.

station street postcode distance
Dirk Zambesidreef 181 3564CB 3.9 km
Jumbo Nebraskadreef 27 3565AE 4.19 km
Jumbo Franciscusdreef 88 3565AD 4.25 km
Aldi Euterpedreef 5 3561CV 4.42 km
Jumbo Euterpedreef 10 3561CV 4.43 km
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