Postcode Dijkgraaf in Wilnis

In search for the postcode of Dijkgraaf? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Dijkgraaf in Wilnis. Dijkgraaf is a street in the place Wilnis within the municipality De Ronde Venen in the province Utrecht. Dijkgraaf has the postcode number 3648 and is located in the neighbourhood Wilnis within the district Wijk 03 Wilnis.

Overview Postcodes Dijkgraaf

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Dijkgraaf in Wilnis.

postcode street house numbers
3648KB Dijkgraaf 1 t/m 45
3648KC Dijkgraaf 2 t/m 48

More about Dijkgraaf

Dijkgraaf is a street in the place Wilnis within the municipality De Ronde Venen of the province Utrecht. Dijkgraaf is 1 of the 81 streets in Wilnis. Dijkgraaf knows 2 postcodes of the total 164 postcodes that Wilnis has.

Dijkgraaf is located in the neighbourhood Wilnis within the district Wijk 03 Wilnis. This neighbourhood has a total of 138 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 345 households with 5 715 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Dijkgraaf is 0297.

province: Utrecht
municipality: De Ronde Venen
place: Wilnis
district: Wijk 03 Wilnis
neighbourhood: Wilnis
postcode number: 3648
area code: 0297

Stations and supermarkets Dijkgraaf

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Dijkgraaf

stations Dijkgraaf

Below you see the stations which are near the street Dijkgraaf with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Breukelen Stationsweg 85 3621LK 12.46 km
Station Amsterdam Holendrecht Meibergdreef 3 1105AZ 12.55 km
Station Abcoude Stationsplein 4 1391GS 12.74 km
Station Woerden Johan v Oldenbarneveltlaan 6 3445AD 13.44 km
Station Woerden Stationsplein-Noord 6 3445AD 13.44 km

supermarkets Dijkgraaf

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Dijkgraaf.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Molmlaan 2 3648XK 1.11 km
Boni De Lindeboom 25 3641EX 2.39 km
Albert Heijn De Passage 26 3641AK 2.51 km
Albert Heijn Leicester 13 3641LH 2.98 km
Aldi Prinses Margrietlaan 34 3641HD 3.1 km
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