Postcode Fransen van de Puttelaan in Zeist

In search for the postcode of Fransen van de Puttelaan? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Fransen van de Puttelaan in Zeist. Fransen van de Puttelaan is a street in the place Zeist within the municipality Zeist in the province Utrecht. Fransen van de Puttelaan has the postcode number 3707 and is located in the neighbourhood Lyceumkwartier within the district Wijk 01 Centrum Zeist.

Overview Postcodes Fransen van de Puttelaan

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Fransen van de Puttelaan in Zeist.

postcode street house numbers
3707EE Fransen van de Puttelaan 5 t/m 19
3707EG Fransen van de Puttelaan 20 t/m 20
3707EH Fransen van de Puttelaan 22 t/m 38

Postcodes and streets at Fransen van de Puttelaan in Zeist

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Fransen van de Puttelaan.

More about Fransen van de Puttelaan

Fransen van de Puttelaan is a street in the place Zeist within the municipality Zeist of the province Utrecht. Fransen van de Puttelaan is 1 of the 393 streets in Zeist. Fransen van de Puttelaan knows 3 postcodes of the total 1 449 postcodes that Zeist has.

Fransen van de Puttelaan is located in the neighbourhood Lyceumkwartier within the district Wijk 01 Centrum Zeist. This neighbourhood has a total of 114 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 395 households with 3 845 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Fransen van de Puttelaan is 030.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Zeist
place: Zeist
district: Wijk 01 Centrum Zeist
neighbourhood: Lyceumkwartier
postcode number: 3707
area code: 030

Stations and supermarkets Fransen van de Puttelaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Fransen van de Puttelaan

stations Fransen van de Puttelaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Fransen van de Puttelaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Driebergen-Zeist Oude Stationsweg 2 3972KA 2.81 km
Station Den Dolder Dolderseweg 148 3734BL 5.75 km
Station Bilthoven Soestdijkseweg Noord 301 3723HA 7.16 km
Station Bunnik Runnenburg 20 3981AZ 7.29 km
Station Soest Zuid Eikenlaan 45 3768ET 10.16 km

supermarkets Fransen van de Puttelaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Fransen van de Puttelaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Korte Steynlaan 2 3701EX 0.75 km
Aldi Voorheuvel 48 3701JG 1.55 km
Lidl Van Reenenweg 151153 3702SJ 1.56 km
Albert Heijn Emmaplein 2 3701DA 1.6 km
Albert Heijn Hoog Kanje 110 3708DL 1.76 km
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