Postcode Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat in Groede

In search for the postcode of Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat in Groede. Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat is a street in the place Groede within the municipality Sluis in the province Zeeland. Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat has the postcode number 4503 and is located in the neighbourhood Groede within the district Wijk 09 Groede.

Overview Postcodes Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat in Groede.

postcode street house numbers
4503AM Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat 1 t/m 35
4503AN Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat 2 t/m 34

More about Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat

Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat is a street in the place Groede within the municipality Sluis of the province Zeeland. Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat is 1 of the 43 streets in Groede. Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 60 postcodes that Groede has.

Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat is located in the neighbourhood Groede within the district Wijk 09 Groede. This neighbourhood has a total of 31 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 355 households with 720 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat is 0117.

province: Zeeland
municipality: Sluis
place: Groede
district: Wijk 09 Groede
neighbourhood: Groede
postcode number: 4503
area code: 0117

Stations and supermarkets Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat

stations Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Vlissingen Stationsplein 1 4382NN 12.61 km
Station Vlissingen Souburg Kanaalstraat 3 4388BJ 14.5 km
Station Middelburg Kanaalweg 22 4337PA 18.3 km
Station Arnemuiden Stationsplein 1 4341AT 23.05 km
Station Goes Stationsplein 21 4461HP 45.18 km

supermarkets Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Jhr. Mr. de Casembrootstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Burgemeester van Zuijenstraat 79 4511GL 5.45 km
Lidl Langestraat 46 4501BS 5.99 km
Albert Heijn Torenweidelaan 2 4501AK 6.14 km
Attent Dorpsstraat 2 4507BK 6.31 km
Plus Duinstraat 49 4511AP 6.69 km
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