Postcode Meidoornveld in Capelle aan den IJssel

In search for the postcode of Meidoornveld? There are 7 postcodes linked to the street Meidoornveld in Capelle aan den IJssel. Meidoornveld is a street in the place Capelle aan den IJssel within the municipality Capelle aan den IJssel in the province Zuid-Holland. Meidoornveld has the postcode number 2906 and is located in the neighbourhood Bloemenbuurt-West within the district Wijk 06 Schenkel.

Overview Postcodes Meidoornveld

There are 7 postcodes belonging to the street Meidoornveld in Capelle aan den IJssel.

postcode street house numbers
2906AA Meidoornveld 55 t/m 69
2906AB Meidoornveld 77 t/m 84
2906AC Meidoornveld 85 t/m 110
2906AD Meidoornveld 111 t/m 136
2906AE Meidoornveld 137 t/m 162
2906AG Meidoornveld 163 t/m 170
2906AH Meidoornveld 180 t/m 242

Postcodes and streets at Meidoornveld in Capelle aan den IJssel

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Meidoornveld.

More about Meidoornveld

Meidoornveld is a street in the place Capelle aan den IJssel within the municipality Capelle aan den IJssel of the province Zuid-Holland. Meidoornveld is 1 of the 550 streets in Capelle aan den IJssel. Meidoornveld knows 7 postcodes of the total 1 174 postcodes that Capelle aan den IJssel has.

Meidoornveld is located in the neighbourhood Bloemenbuurt-West within the district Wijk 06 Schenkel. This neighbourhood has a total of 23 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 615 households with 1 345 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Meidoornveld is 010.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Capelle aan den IJssel
place: Capelle aan den IJssel
district: Wijk 06 Schenkel
neighbourhood: Bloemenbuurt-West
postcode number: 2906
area code: 010

Stations and supermarkets Meidoornveld

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Meidoornveld

stations Meidoornveld

Below you see the stations which are near the street Meidoornveld with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Rotterdam Alexander Prins Alexanderlaan 50 3067GB 2.61 km
Station Capelle Schollevaar Stationsplein 14 2907MJ 2.67 km
Station Nieuwerkerk a/ d Ijssel Stationsplein 1 2912SM 6.3 km
Station Rotterdam Zuid Rosestraat 404 3071AH 7.43 km
Station Rotterdam Lombardijen Spinozaweg 500 3076ET 8.65 km

supermarkets Meidoornveld

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Meidoornveld.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Wingerd 251 2906TH 0.38 km
Aldi Bermweg 69 2906LB 1.11 km
Coop Moermanskpad 27 3067DG 1.27 km
Lidl Jacques Dutilhweg 193205 3065KA 1.3 km
Plus Puccinipassage 12 2901GK 1.81 km
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