Postcode Adama van Scheltemaplein in Delft

In search for the postcode of Adama van Scheltemaplein? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Adama van Scheltemaplein in Delft. Adama van Scheltemaplein is a street in the place Delft within the municipality Delft in the province Zuid-Holland. Adama van Scheltemaplein has the postcode number 2624 and is located in the neighbourhood Aart van der Leeuwbuurt within the district Wijk 24 Voorhof.

Overview Postcodes Adama van Scheltemaplein

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Adama van Scheltemaplein in Delft.

Postcodes and streets at Adama van Scheltemaplein in Delft

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Adama van Scheltemaplein.

More about Adama van Scheltemaplein

Adama van Scheltemaplein is a street in the place Delft within the municipality Delft of the province Zuid-Holland. Adama van Scheltemaplein is 1 of the 1 030 streets in Delft. Adama van Scheltemaplein knows 4 postcodes of the total 2 709 postcodes that Delft has.

Adama van Scheltemaplein is located in the neighbourhood Aart van der Leeuwbuurt within the district Wijk 24 Voorhof. This neighbourhood has a total of 24 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 530 households with 850 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Adama van Scheltemaplein is 015.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Delft
place: Delft
district: Wijk 24 Voorhof
neighbourhood: Aart van der Leeuwbuurt
postcode number: 2624
area code: 015

Stations and supermarkets Adama van Scheltemaplein

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Adama van Scheltemaplein

stations Adama van Scheltemaplein

Below you see the stations which are near the street Adama van Scheltemaplein with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Delft Zuid Marcellus Emantspad 3 2624VD 1.42 km
Station Rijswijk Piramideplein 5 2283CK 6.34 km
Station Den Haag Moerwijk Hildebrandstraat 20 2524VJ 8.27 km
Station Voorburg Stationsplein 1 2275AZ 8.38 km
Station Schiedam Nieuwland Johan de Wittsingel 321 3119TM 8.5 km

supermarkets Adama van Scheltemaplein

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Adama van Scheltemaplein.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Martinus Nijhofflaan 15 2624ER 0.53 km
Jumbo Troelstralaan 11 2624ET 0.68 km
Dirk Troelstralaan 77 2624ET 0.68 km
Jumbo Vrijheidslaan 1 2625RD 0.79 km
Lidl Multatuliweg 53 2624CE 0.88 km
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