Postcode Fransen van de Puttestraat in Delft

In search for the postcode of Fransen van de Puttestraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Fransen van de Puttestraat in Delft. Fransen van de Puttestraat is a street in the place Delft within the municipality Delft in the province Zuid-Holland. Fransen van de Puttestraat has the postcode number 2613 and is located in the neighbourhood Ministersbuurt-Oost within the district Wijk 13 Hof van Delft.

Overview Postcodes Fransen van de Puttestraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Fransen van de Puttestraat in Delft.

postcode street house numbers
2613CG Fransen van de Puttestraat 1 t/m 53
2613CH Fransen van de Puttestraat 2 t/m 36

More about Fransen van de Puttestraat

Fransen van de Puttestraat is a street in the place Delft within the municipality Delft of the province Zuid-Holland. Fransen van de Puttestraat is 1 of the 1 030 streets in Delft. Fransen van de Puttestraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 2 709 postcodes that Delft has.

Fransen van de Puttestraat is located in the neighbourhood Ministersbuurt-Oost within the district Wijk 13 Hof van Delft. This neighbourhood has a total of 56 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 220 households with 2 460 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Fransen van de Puttestraat is 015.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Delft
place: Delft
district: Wijk 13 Hof van Delft
neighbourhood: Ministersbuurt-Oost
postcode number: 2613
area code: 015

Stations and supermarkets Fransen van de Puttestraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Fransen van de Puttestraat

stations Fransen van de Puttestraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Fransen van de Puttestraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Delft Zuid Marcellus Emantspad 3 2624VD 2.89 km
Station Rijswijk Piramideplein 5 2283CK 4.47 km
Station Voorburg Stationsplein 1 2275AZ 6.12 km
Station Den Haag Moerwijk Hildebrandstraat 20 2524VJ 6.29 km
Station Leidschendam-Voorburg Oosteinde 1 2271EA 6.64 km

supermarkets Fransen van de Puttestraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Fransen van de Puttestraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Hof van Delftlaan 69 2613BK 0.22 km
Albert Heijn W.H. van Leeuwenlaan 1 2613ZE 0.78 km
Spar Binnenwatersloot 26 2611BK 0.79 km
Albert Heijn Choorstraat 35 2611JE 0.94 km
Spar Krakeelpolderweg 27 2613NW 1 km
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