Postcode Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat in Gouda

In search for the postcode of Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat in Gouda. Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat is a street in the place Gouda within the municipality Gouda in the province Zuid-Holland. Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat has the postcode number 2806 and is located in the neighbourhood Kadenbuurt within the district Wijk 06 Kort Haarlem.

Overview Postcodes Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat in Gouda.

More about Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat

Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat is a street in the place Gouda within the municipality Gouda of the province Zuid-Holland. Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat is 1 of the 925 streets in Gouda. Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat knows 3 postcodes of the total 2 039 postcodes that Gouda has.

Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat is located in the neighbourhood Kadenbuurt within the district Wijk 06 Kort Haarlem. This neighbourhood has a total of 87 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 275 households with 2 725 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat is 0182.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Gouda
place: Gouda
district: Wijk 06 Kort Haarlem
neighbourhood: Kadenbuurt
postcode number: 2806
area code: 0182

Stations and supermarkets Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat

stations Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Gouda Stationsplein 11 2801AK 1.33 km
Station Gouda Goverwelle Willensplein 21 2807PA 2.56 km
Station Bodegraven Stationsplein 1 2411EH 7.98 km
Station Waddinxveen Stationsplein 1 2741HL 8.21 km
Station Waddinxveen Noord Sparrengaarde 1 2742DM 8.92 km

supermarkets Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Tweede Hieronymus van Alphenstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
MCD Sophiastraat 3 2805HC 0.62 km
Albert Heijn Markt 50 2801JL 1 km
Lidl Dunantsingel 92 2806JD 1.04 km
Plus Thorbeckelaan 1 2805CA 1.18 km
C1000 de Rijkestraat 7 2806MJ 1.39 km
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