Postcode Kanaalweg Westzijde in Hellevoetsluis

In search for the postcode of Kanaalweg Westzijde? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Kanaalweg Westzijde in Hellevoetsluis. Kanaalweg Westzijde is a street in the place Hellevoetsluis within the municipality Hellevoetsluis in the province Zuid-Holland. Kanaalweg Westzijde has the postcode number 3221 and is located in the neighbourhood Glaciswijk within the district Wijk 00 Hellevoet.

Overview Postcodes Kanaalweg Westzijde

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Kanaalweg Westzijde in Hellevoetsluis.

postcode street house numbers
3221LK Kanaalweg Westzijde 1 t/m 43
3223LG Kanaalweg Westzijde 45 t/m 57
3223LH Kanaalweg Westzijde 59 t/m 59

More about Kanaalweg Westzijde

Kanaalweg Westzijde is a street in the place Hellevoetsluis within the municipality Hellevoetsluis of the province Zuid-Holland. Kanaalweg Westzijde is 1 of the 544 streets in Hellevoetsluis. Kanaalweg Westzijde knows 3 postcodes of the total 773 postcodes that Hellevoetsluis has.

Kanaalweg Westzijde is located in the neighbourhood Glaciswijk within the district Wijk 00 Hellevoet. This neighbourhood has a total of 20 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 365 households with 700 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Kanaalweg Westzijde is 0181.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Hellevoetsluis
place: Hellevoetsluis
district: Wijk 00 Hellevoet
neighbourhood: Glaciswijk
postcode number: 3221
area code: 0181

Stations and supermarkets Kanaalweg Westzijde

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Kanaalweg Westzijde

stations Kanaalweg Westzijde

Below you see the stations which are near the street Kanaalweg Westzijde with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Maassluis West Koningshoek 97001 3144BA 16.1 km
Station Maassluis Stationsweg 8 3143LS 16.32 km
Station Hoek van Holland Haven Stationsweg 5 3151HR 16.59 km
Station Hoek van Holland Strand Strandweg 10 3151HV 17.5 km
Station Vlaardingen West Geuzenplein 5 3132AB 21.66 km

supermarkets Kanaalweg Westzijde

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Kanaalweg Westzijde.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Evertsenplein 68 3221BL 0.97 km
Albert Heijn Struytse Hoeck 91 3224HA 1.07 km
Lidl Hoonaartstraat 27 3222CK 1.23 km
Jumbo Struytse Hoeck 349 3223DE 1.28 km
Lidl Struytse Hoeck 61 3224HA 1.35 km
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