Postcode Park die Leythe in Leiden

In search for the postcode of Park die Leythe? There is one postcode linked to the street Park die Leythe in Leiden. Park die Leythe is a street in the place Leiden within the municipality Leiden in the province Zuid-Holland. Park die Leythe has the postcode number 2314 and is located in the neighbourhood Roomburg within the district Roodenburgerdistrict.

Overview Postcodes Park die Leythe

There is one postcode belonging to the street Park die Leythe in Leiden.

postcode street house numbers
2314BA Park die Leythe 1 t/m 18

Postcodes and streets at Park die Leythe in Leiden

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Park die Leythe.

More about Park die Leythe

Park die Leythe is a street in the place Leiden within the municipality Leiden of the province Zuid-Holland. Park die Leythe is 1 of the 1 572 streets in Leiden. Park die Leythe has 1 postcode of the total 3 477 postcodes that Leiden knows.

Park die Leythe is located in the neighbourhood Roomburg within the district Roodenburgerdistrict. This neighbourhood has a total of 57 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 165 households with 3 020 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Park die Leythe is 071.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Leiden
place: Leiden
district: Roodenburgerdistrict
neighbourhood: Roomburg
postcode number: 2314
area code: 071

Stations and supermarkets Park die Leythe

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Park die Leythe

stations Park die Leythe

Below you see the stations which are near the street Park die Leythe with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Leiden Lammenschans Kamerlingh Onnesplein 1 2313VL 3.02 km
Station Leiden Centraal Stationsplein 3B 2312AJ 4.66 km
Station De Vink Alexandrine Tinneplein 300 2331AZ 7.22 km
Station Voorhout Componistenlaan 10 2215SN 9.11 km
Station Zoetermeer Leidsewallen Meeuwenveld 5 2727AK 9.12 km

supermarkets Park die Leythe

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Park die Leythe.

supermarket street postcode distance
Spar IJsselkade 45 2314VM 0.64 km
Troefmarkt Frederik Hendriklaan 26 2351GC 0.91 km
C1000 Laan van Ouderzorg 2 2352HT 1.1 km
Troefmarkt Roomburgerlaan 16 2313PS 1.26 km
MCD Nassaulaan 63 2382GH 1.62 km
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