Postcode 't Hert in Leidschendam

In search for the postcode of 't Hert? There are 10 postcodes linked to the street 't Hert in Leidschendam. 't Hert is a street in the place Leidschendam within the municipality Leidschendam-Voorburg in the province Zuid-Holland. 't Hert has the postcode number 2266 and is located in the neighbourhood Leidschendam-Zuid within the district Wijk 05 Leidschendam-Centrum.

Overview Postcodes 't Hert

There are 10 postcodes belonging to the street 't Hert in Leidschendam.

postcode street house numbers
2266NB 't Hert 1 t/m 39
2266NC 't Hert 41 t/m 83
2266ND 't Hert 85 t/m 123
2266NE 't Hert 125 t/m 155
2266NG 't Hert 2 t/m 44
2266NH 't Hert 46 t/m 74
2266NJ 't Hert 76 t/m 118
2266NK 't Hert 120 t/m 162
2266NL 't Hert 164 t/m 194
2266NM 't Hert 196 t/m 224

More about 't Hert

't Hert is a street in the place Leidschendam within the municipality Leidschendam-Voorburg of the province Zuid-Holland. 't Hert is 1 of the 310 streets in Leidschendam. 't Hert knows 10 postcodes of the total 926 postcodes that Leidschendam has.

't Hert is located in the neighbourhood Leidschendam-Zuid within the district Wijk 05 Leidschendam-Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 75 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 420 households with 2 945 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the 't Hert is 070.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Leidschendam-Voorburg
place: Leidschendam
district: Wijk 05 Leidschendam-Centrum
neighbourhood: Leidschendam-Zuid
postcode number: 2266
area code: 070

Stations and supermarkets 't Hert

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street 't Hert

stations 't Hert

Below you see the stations which are near the street 't Hert with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Voorburg 't Loo Loolaan 18 2271TN 3.7 km
Station Den Haag Mariahoeve AEGONplein 40 2591TV 4.38 km
Station Leidschendam-Voorburg Oosteinde 1 2271EA 4.63 km
Station Voorburg Stationsplein 1 2275AZ 5.58 km
Station Voorschoten Stationsplein 1 2252TW 5.78 km

supermarkets 't Hert

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street 't Hert.

supermarket street postcode distance
Hoogvliet Damstraat 8 2265AG 0.93 km
Aldi Agatha 7 2264LM 1.2 km
Plus Prins Frederiklaan 185 2263HA 1.71 km
Dirk Burgemeester Sweenslaan 15 2262BN 2 km
Dirk Simon Carmiggelthof 258 2492JN 2.01 km
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