Postcode Amalia van Solmsstraat in Schiedam

In search for the postcode of Amalia van Solmsstraat? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Amalia van Solmsstraat in Schiedam. Amalia van Solmsstraat is a street in the place Schiedam within the municipality Schiedam in the province Zuid-Holland. Amalia van Solmsstraat has the postcode number 3116 and is located in the neighbourhood Nassaubuurt within the district Wijk 03 West.

Overview Postcodes Amalia van Solmsstraat

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Amalia van Solmsstraat in Schiedam.

postcode street house numbers
3116EB Amalia van Solmsstraat 7 t/m 19
3116EC Amalia van Solmsstraat 21 t/m 33
3116ED Amalia van Solmsstraat 2 t/m 24

Postcodes and streets at Amalia van Solmsstraat in Schiedam

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Amalia van Solmsstraat.

More about Amalia van Solmsstraat

Amalia van Solmsstraat is a street in the place Schiedam within the municipality Schiedam of the province Zuid-Holland. Amalia van Solmsstraat is 1 of the 768 streets in Schiedam. Amalia van Solmsstraat knows 3 postcodes of the total 1 938 postcodes that Schiedam has.

Amalia van Solmsstraat is located in the neighbourhood Nassaubuurt within the district Wijk 03 West. This neighbourhood has a total of 35 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 540 households with 1 210 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Amalia van Solmsstraat is 010.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Schiedam
place: Schiedam
district: Wijk 03 West
neighbourhood: Nassaubuurt
postcode number: 3116
area code: 010

Stations and supermarkets Amalia van Solmsstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Amalia van Solmsstraat

stations Amalia van Solmsstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Amalia van Solmsstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Schiedam Centrum Horvathweg 1 3112HB 1.74 km
Station Schiedam Nieuwland Johan de Wittsingel 321 3119TM 2.21 km
Station Vlaardingen Oost van Hogendorplaan 215 3135BP 4.15 km
Station Vlaardingen Centrum Parallelweg 82 3131DH 6.4 km
Station Rotterdam Centraal Proveniersplein 1A 3033EA 8.25 km

supermarkets Amalia van Solmsstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Amalia van Solmsstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Hagastraat 1 3114NC 0.44 km
Dirk Broersveld 68 3111LJ 0.75 km
Albert Heijn Lange Kerkstraat 34 3111NP 0.96 km
Aldi 's-Gravelandseweg 606 3119NA 1.44 km
Spar Stationsplein 4 3112HJ 1.61 km
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