Postcode Het Klooster in Schoonhoven

In search for the postcode of Het Klooster? There is one postcode linked to the street Het Klooster in Schoonhoven. Het Klooster is a street in the place Schoonhoven within the municipality Krimpenerwaard in the province Zuid-Holland. Het Klooster has the postcode number 2871 and is located in the neighbourhood Schoonhoven-Oude Stad within the district Wijk 12 Schoonhoven.

Overview Postcodes Het Klooster

There is one postcode belonging to the street Het Klooster in Schoonhoven.

postcode street house numbers
2871BJ Het Klooster 1 t/m 24

More about Het Klooster

Het Klooster is a street in the place Schoonhoven within the municipality Krimpenerwaard of the province Zuid-Holland. Het Klooster is 1 of the 197 streets in Schoonhoven. Het Klooster has 1 postcode of the total 382 postcodes that Schoonhoven knows.

Het Klooster is located in the neighbourhood Schoonhoven-Oude Stad within the district Wijk 12 Schoonhoven. This neighbourhood has a total of 131 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 835 households with 3 540 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Het Klooster is 0182.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Krimpenerwaard
place: Schoonhoven
district: Wijk 12 Schoonhoven
neighbourhood: Schoonhoven-Oude Stad
postcode number: 2871
area code: 0182

Stations and supermarkets Het Klooster

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Het Klooster

stations Het Klooster

Below you see the stations which are near the street Het Klooster with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Hardinxveld-Giessendam Stationsstraat 2 3371AX 12.87 km
Station Gouda Goverwelle Willensplein 21 2807PA 14.7 km
Station Sliedrecht Stationsplein 10 3364AM 15.38 km
Station Woerden Johan v Oldenbarneveltlaan 6 3445AD 16.21 km
Station Arkel Stationsweg 25 4241XH 17.63 km

supermarkets Het Klooster

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Het Klooster.

supermarket street postcode distance
Spar Doelenplein 10 2871CV 0.26 km
Albert Heijn Cellebroedersstraat 1 2871AS 0.57 km
Lidl Albert Plesmanstraat 15 2871HJ 1.27 km
Plus Bergambachterstraat 9 2871JB 1.54 km
Spar Waterlinie 62 2965CC 2.79 km
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