Postcode number 7846 in Noord-Sleen

Searhcing for the postcodes near 7846? There are 26 postcodes that have the postcode number 7846 in Noord-Sleen. 7846 is a postcode number in the place Noord-Sleen within the municipalityCoevorden in the province Drenthe. There are 20 streets that have as postcode number 7846 in Noord-Sleen.

There is 1 district that has the postcode number 7846, that is the district Wijk 40 Sleen; .

  • province Drenthe
  • municipality Coevorden
  • place Noord-Sleen
  • number of districts 1 district
  • number of neighbourhoods 4 neighbourhoods
  • number of streets 20 streets
  • number of postcodes 26 postcodes

Districts and neighbourhoods at 7846 in Noord-Sleen

These are the neighbourhoods and districts that have the postcode number 7846.

Districts by postcode number 7846

Districts using the postcode number 7846 in Noord-Sleen.

Neighbours to postcode number 7846

The neighbourhoods that use the postcode number 7846 in Noord-Sleen.

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