What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Houtwijk? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Houtwijk. The neighbourhood Houtwijk is one of the 4 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 02 Dronten Noord. There are 8 postcodes and 7 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.
The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Houtwijk.
How many streets does Houtwijk have? Houtwijk has 7 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Houtwijk.
Houtwijk is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 02 Dronten Noord within the city Dronten of the province Flevoland. The neighborhood Houtwijk has 8 postcodes with 7 streets.
In total Houtwijk counts 55 households with 120 inhabitants. The households comprise 36% of single households, 26% of households with children and 38% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Houtwijk, 44 are married, that is 37% of the inhabitants of Houtwijk.
province: | Flevoland |
municipality: | Dronten |
place: | Dronten |
district: | Wijk 02 Dronten Noord |
postcode numbers: | 8251, |
area code: | 0321 |
The overview of stations and supermarkets in Houtwijk and surroundings.
These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Houtwijk
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Nunspeet | Stationsplein 1 | 8071CH | 19.25 km |
Station Kampen | Stationsplein 1 | 8267AB | 21.32 km |
Station Harde 't | Eperweg 123 | 8084HD | 22.48 km |
Station Harderwijk | Stationsplein 1 | 3844KR | 25.24 km |
Station Lelystad Centrum | Stationsplein 9 | 8232DL | 28.92 km |
These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Houtwijk.
supermarket | street | postcode | distance |
Jumbo | De Regenboog 10 | 8254AA | 1.41 km |
Albert Heijn | Kop van Het Ruim 1 | 8251KD | 1.74 km |
Aldi | Schans 51 | 8254KN | 2.04 km |
Deen | De Kajuit 1 | 8254KX | 2.09 km |
Jumbo | Wardhof 8 | 8251TH | 2.8 km |